The Plenary approves the feasibility study for the concession of the exploitation services of the residence for older people La Purísima


The municipal plenary session initially approved, in its last session and unanimously, the feasibility study for the concession of services for the exploitation of the residence for the elderly La Purísima de Totana, prepared by the “Progreso Consulting SAL and presented to the City Council of Totana on June 17.The Totanero City Council intends to put out to tender the exploitation of the Totana nursing home through a service concession contract.The processing of the service concession file must be preceded by the completion and approval of a feasibility study thereof or, where appropriate, an economic-financial feasibility study, which will be binding in the cases in which they conclude in the infeasibility of the project.The feasibility study is submitted to public information, by means of an announcement in the BORM and on the notice board of the City Council for a period of one month, extendable for the same period due to its complexity.Simultaneously, it will be published in the electronic headquarters of the City Council in order to give audience to the affected citizens and collect as many additional contributions as can be made by other people or entities.The contracting authority will approve the feasibility study, with the modifications, as the case may be, derived from the reports issued.On October 30, 2019, the Local Government Board awarded the commercial company “Progreso Consulting SAL” the minor contract for the preparation of a feasibility study for the concession of services for the exploitation of the La Purísima nursing home in this town.

The Plenary approves the feasibility study for the concession of the exploitation services of the residence for older people La Purísima, Foto 1
The Plenary approves the feasibility study for the concession of the exploitation services of the residence for older people La Purísima, Foto 2

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