Totana citizens propose a Shock Plan to alleviate the consequences of COVID-19 in the municipality


"The current health and socio-economic crisis requires rapid and forceful responses.

The resources and tools of the municipalities must be put at the service of the priority of the citizenry: combat the consequences of the COVID-19 crisis," report from Ciudadanos Totana it's a statement. "From Cs we propose a Shock Plan with several lines of action to promote recovery measures from the Totana City Council after the COVID-19 crisis.

We do it with the desire to continue working from unity, consensus and collaboration", they add . "We want to carry out a situation analysis on the vulnerability and the impact that the crisis has had in the social, economic and health fields in order to be able to encompass initiatives that mitigate the effects of this health crisis in our municipalities." "We propose to adopt measures that improve the situation in families and productive sectors and facilitate the reconstruction and recovery of the normal activity of our municipalities as soon as possible." Cs PLAN OF MUNICIPAL SHOCK TO REDUCE THE CONSEQUENCES OF COVID-19 1.

Homage and recognition to the fatal victims of COVID-19. The COVID-19 pandemic made it clear from minute one that it was going to put the country as a whole in an unprecedented situation and, probably, in one of the most difficult moments in our democratic history.

The seriousness of the situation, however, has also been accompanied, from the beginning, by signs of solidarity and recognition of all Spanish society.

Something that must also be recognized from the Town Halls. When health recommendations advise it and the most drastic measures to stop the spread of the virus will be promoted, tributes to all those who died as a result of COVID-19, as well as institutional actions to recognize the work of professionals (health workers, farmers) , transporters, supermarket employees, pharmacists ...) and volunteers who have worked and will continue to work to alleviate the effects of the crisis caused by the pandemic. 2.

Evaluation of confinement measures and preparation of protocols for future alarm situations. The declaration of the State of Alarm and its consecutive extensions have put us in a situation that has required measures taken for the first time.

Apart from constant improvisations and with the desire to improve for the future, we propose that from the Totana City Council, by its very nature close to the daily concerns of the citizen, it can prepare an approximate diagnosis of the problems derived from this situation. For this reason, the measures that have been carried out in the monitoring commissions created with the aim of drawing conclusions that would allow the elaboration of a clear protocol for municipal action in the event of new confinements taking place, will be valued. 3.

Creation of the permanent work commission COVID-19 With the aim of being able to develop future protocols and that evaluation of the measures adopted, a permanent COVID-19 working commission will be created that includes the main social agents and the associative fabric and has the objective of permanently monitoring the actions carried out for the reconstruction and recovery of activity in the municipality of Totana, as well as shock measures to mitigate the economic, social and health effects. 4.

Extraordinary monographic plenary session on the affectation of COVID-19 We are facing a crisis whose consequences will extend beyond the moment in which we can completely stop the spread of the virus.

In this crisis, the need for an immediate response is combined with action in the medium term. Therefore, we propose: The celebration of an extraordinary monographic plenary session on the affectation of the COVID-19 in the telematic or face-to-face city once the Institutional activity has recovered.Inclusion in the agenda of all municipal plenary sessions of a monitoring point for the situation caused by COVID-19. 5.

Health recovery plan The health crisis is the one that requires more anticipation and a more urgent response.

Therefore, the municipal corporation will prepare a health contingency plan that will include: Analysis of the health situation in the city and transfer of health needs to supra-municipal administrations.Health action protocol in the municipality in case of regrowth.Analysis of the situation of the residences and protocols for future prevention of infections in coordination with the autonomous government.Activation of psychological care mechanisms for people with affections derived from the COVID-19 crisis.Include health professionals and entities and institutions in the permanent work commission COVID-19. 6.

Economic recovery plan In the same order of priorities that are expected to work at the national level, it is essential that the City Council of Totana allocate as many resources as possible to the economic recovery of the municipal productive fabric through a plan that has the following objectives and priorities: Adaptation of municipal taxation to the situation created by the COVID-19 crisis.Study, establish and maintain moratoriums and exemptions from paying municipal taxes and fees, especially to families in situations of vulnerability and to the self-employed and merchants who see their activity affected.Lanzamiento de ayudas para el mantenimiento y lanzamiento de la actividad comercial y empresarial.Aprobación de ayudas reembolsables y préstamos para apoyo a gastos de actividades económicas (autónomos y pymes).Mantener oficinas y líneas de atención y asesoramiento a autónomos y pymes.Incluir a representantes del tejido económico y empresarial y representantes de trabajadores y desempleados en la comisión de trabajo permanente COVID19. 6.

Plan de recuperación social Tampoco podemos, en momentos de extrema dificultad para el conjunto de los españoles, dar la espalda a los colectivos más vulnerables.

Por ello, planteamos una batería de medidas de consenso para que puedan adoptarse desde el Ayuntamiento de Totana: Análisis de la situación de vulnerabilidad y afectación de la crisis en el municipio (datos globales de desempleo, acceso a prestaciones sociales, situaciones de emergencia habitacional y personas sin hogar, pobreza energética, etc.).Creación de fondos extraordinarios para la atención de políticas sociales y desarrollo de planes de empleo adaptados a la situación.Seguimiento individualizado de todas las personas en riesgo de exclusión social y creación de mecanismos de asesoramiento e información a la población.Incluir a entidades sociales, educativas y del tercer sector en la comisión de trabajo permanente COVID-19.Dar continuidad en el tiempo y para otras causas, con apoyo de la administración, a proyectos solidarios y de cooperación surgidos en nuestros municipios. 8.

Adecuación de los presupuestos municipales a la crisis del COVID-19 Muchos municipios están haciendo frente a la pandemia del Covid19 con todos los recursos de que disponen, adaptando las cuentas municipales a la realidad dramática de la pandemia.

Desde Cs consideramos una prioridad a nivel global la lucha contra el Covid19 y creemos que, en la medida de lo posible, esto debería tener reflejo en los ejercicios presupuestarios pendientes de aprobación o en los siguientes.

A partir de criterios como: Reducción en gastos superfluos y duplicidades, privilegios y estructuras innecesarias.Eliminación de gastos innecesarios en publicidad o atenciones protocolarias.Con los recursos liberados de estas actuaciones y si, es necesario, acudiendo a los mercados financieros, se deberá priorizar la creación de fondos de emergencia para la atención social, económica y sanitaria provocada por el COVID-19, fondos para la recuperación económica y destinar recursos a apuntalar las políticas públicas básicas. 9.

Solicitud de ayudas de financiación para los municipios Desde el Ayuntamiento de Totana se deben impulsar frentes comunes de reclamación de ayudas que permitan una mejor financiación municipal, además de ayudas extraordinarias que tengan como finalidad la financiación de planes de recuperación social y económica debido a la crisis del COVID-19. 10.

Desarrollo de la administración electrónica y de la digitalización de nuestro municipio. La digitalización ha jugado un papel importante durante la situación de alarma y el confinamiento.

Se debe invertir en proyectos smart city y servicios telemáticos y dar apoyo a proyectos de digitalización de empresas, comercios y mercados municipales, aprovechando soluciones implantadas con objeto de la atención a la situación provocada por el COVID-19. José David Amorós López(Concejal y Portavoz de Ciudadanos Totana)

Totana citizens propose a Shock Plan to alleviate the consequences of COVID-19 in the municipality, Foto 1

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