They extend the contract of Professional Services and Legal Defense of the City Council of Totana


The Local Government Board has agreed to extend the contract of Professional Services and Legal Defense of the City of Totana from March 1, 2020 until the date of entry into force of the new one currently being tendered for the provision of such services, in the same conditions that are being provided.

This procedure was suspended by the Central Administrative Court of Contractual Resources with the entity currently awarded the said "Andersen Tax & Legal SLP" service.

On February 26, 2018, the City of Totana and the commercial "Andersen Tax & Legal SLP" formalized the contract, beginning its validity on March 1, 2018 with a duration of two years.

Given that the expiration of said contract is on February 29, 2020, the Local Government Board of the City of Totana agreed on November 28 to begin the procedure for contracting the same services as of March 1, 2020.

Following the presentation of a special appeal on contracting against the specifications, the Central Administrative Court of Contractual Resources adopted, by means of a resolution dated January 20, 2020, a precautionary measure consisting in the suspension of the tendering procedure of this contract.

Although the current contract does not foresee that there may be extensions after the period initially established has elapsed, however, and considering that there are reasons of public interest not to interrupt the benefit, given the amount of matters currently pending in the Courts and that their neglect it could be serious damages for the defense of municipal interests, it is necessary to continue with the current contract for the time between the end of the current one and the award of the new one.

Therefore, it is considered appropriate that the current contract be extended by the Local Government Board for the essential time until the new bidding of the service is concluded and the execution of the service by the new bidder begins.

They extend the contract of Professional Services and Legal Defense of the City Council of Totana, Foto 1

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