Totana celebrates the institutional act on the occasion of Women's Day by honoring ten women suggested by the associations and the councilors of democracy


Totana held last night the institutional ceremony commemorating the International Women's Day, honoring ten women suggested by associations working in this area of ​​action in the municipality, as well as recognizing the work of councilors who have participated in political life in this period of democracy.

The event was held in the "Ginés Rosa" Theater of the Socio-cultural Center "La Cárcel", and was developed as agreed in the Municipal Council of Equality that make up the associations and groups of women of Totana.

He was assisted by the mayor, Andrés García, the first deputy mayor, Juan José Cánovas, the councilor for Equality, Eulalia Moreno, as well as representatives and members of women's associations and other social and neighborhood groups of the municipality.

The women awarded this year were Lourdes Heredia López (at the proposal of the Rural Women Association of El Raiguero), María Josefa García Andreo (Rural Association of El Raiguero), María del Carmen García Vivancos (Association Housewives "Let's start walking" of El Raiguero) and María del Carmen Tudela Porlán (Association of Housewives of the Three Hail Marys).

Likewise, Concha Alonso Ortiz was awarded (on the initiative of the Cáritas Association of the Three Hail Marys), Antonia Andreo Sola (Socio-cultural Association of Totanera Women), Encarnación Cánovas Martínez (Association Salus Infirmorum), and María del Carmen Saéz Reverte , Encarna Esteban López (Association Amas de Casa Lébor) and María del Carmen Jordán Gimeno, at the proposal of the Department of Equality.

In addition, a tribute was paid to the councilors of democracy in the City of Totana in the different legislatures between 1979 and the present mandate 2015/2019, at the proposal of the Association of Housewives of the Three Hail Marys.

The institutional act of Women's Day was organized by the Department of Equality, and during this ceremony the commemorative diplomas were awarded to those honored by the municipal authorities.

The institutional manifesto was also read by the councilor and the municipal political representatives, and the vice-president of the Municipal Council of Equality, Joaquina Lucerga, whose text was approved last month, unanimously, by the municipal plenary.

In addition, during this act a poetry recital entitled "Cry of a Woman" was held;

and there was participation to close the musical group "Entre dos", whose initiatives promoted the Sociocultural Association of Women Totanera.

At the end of this institutional act, the Dinner for Equality was held in the restaurant "Venta La Rata", which was attended by numerous municipal authorities and more than 180 people.

Totana celebrates the institutional act on the occasion of Women's Day by honoring ten women suggested by the associations and the councilors of democracy, Foto 1
Totana celebrates the institutional act on the occasion of Women's Day by honoring ten women suggested by the associations and the councilors of democracy, Foto 2
Totana celebrates the institutional act on the occasion of Women's Day by honoring ten women suggested by the associations and the councilors of democracy, Foto 3
Totana celebrates the institutional act on the occasion of Women's Day by honoring ten women suggested by the associations and the councilors of democracy, Foto 4
Totana celebrates the institutional act on the occasion of Women's Day by honoring ten women suggested by the associations and the councilors of democracy, Foto 5
Totana celebrates the institutional act on the occasion of Women's Day by honoring ten women suggested by the associations and the councilors of democracy, Foto 6
Totana celebrates the institutional act on the occasion of Women's Day by honoring ten women suggested by the associations and the councilors of democracy, Foto 7
Totana celebrates the institutional act on the occasion of Women's Day by honoring ten women suggested by the associations and the councilors of democracy, Foto 8
Totana celebrates the institutional act on the occasion of Women's Day by honoring ten women suggested by the associations and the councilors of democracy, Foto 9

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