A collaboration agreement will be signed with the Collective for Social Promotion "El Candil"


To develop the project "Holidays 3.0.

Edition School of Holy Week'2018 "|

The Local Government Board has recently approved the proposal of the Councilor for Youth, Inmaculada Blázquez, to sign a collaboration agreement with the Collective for Social Promotion "El Candil" in order to develop the project "Holidays 3.0.

Edition School of Holy Week'2018 ", whose maximum number of places offered will be 30.

This agreement is established in view of the need to enable the development of leisure time activities during the school holiday period aimed especially at children and young people in the municipality, facilitating on the other hand to parents the reconciliation between work, family and personal life in these holiday seasons.

The Councilor for Youth will present the technical information details in the coming days so that interested families can formalize their corresponding registrations.

The initiative "Holidays 3.0.

Edition School of Holy Week 2018 "will be celebrated during the next days 26, 27, 28 March, and 2 and 3 April;

and it is aimed at children enrolled in the second cycle of Early Childhood Education (3-6 years) or Primary Education (6-12 years).

The Department of Youth wants to promote the maintenance of these programs to promote the development of playful alternatives, which is combined at the same time an educational process of children.

In this sense, the City Council is committed to provide the necessary technical support and infrastructure by the Youth Councils and Citizen Participation for the development of the activities derived from the project;

and will collaborate in the cleaning expenses and with a maximum contribution of 500 euros to finance expenses of carrying out the activities.

A collaboration agreement will be signed with the Collective for Social Promotion "El Candil", Foto 1

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