The Plenary approves the joint motion and the institutional manifesto in support of equality between men and women on the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day, next March 8


The Plenary of Totana approved last night, unanimously, the joint motion of the three municipal groups and the non-attached mayor, as well as the institutional manifesto in support of equality between men and women on the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day, next March 8.

In the same the totanero Consistory requires the regional and national governments, as appropriate, the endowment of permanent finalist grants to municipalities of more than 20,000 inhabitants who do not have equality agent and municipalities with regional powers to hire agents of equality .

In addition, an increase in sufficient public spending is requested to start up the measures that we consider necessary in the different administrations, increasing the items that have been reduced in times of economic crisis.

Similarly, it advocates developing measures to promote effective equality between men and women;

and extend maternal leave from 4 to 6 months, as recommended by the WHO.

In addition, the green light was given, unanimously, and with a PSOE and Ganar Totana-IU transactional amendment, to the motion of the Councilor for Social Welfare, Javier Baños, in which he requested the Ministry of Family and Equal Opportunities of the Autonomous Community the implementation of a socio-educational action service through the figure of the so-called "street educators" in the face of the serious situation detected in children and young people in the municipality.

Totanero City Council, through the government team and this Department, has a great concern for the situation detected in Totana, which warns us that, especially among adolescents and pre-teens, are developing behaviors or practices harmful to their own physical integrity and health, as well as for its role and integration in society.

Motions of political groups

The Corporation approved, unanimously, the motion of the Popular Group for the City Council to support the regional government in the request of condemnation before the national government of 80% of the regional debt.

This agreement was agreed, with an amendment of Ganar Totana-IU for the referred also to the municipal debt.

In this sense, the Plenary also requires the Central Government and the Autonomous Community to forgive 80% of the debt to municipalities that are in serious financial situation and unsustainable debt as is the case of Totana;

articulating and legislating extension of deadlines for payment of the remaining 20% ​​or the percentage that is specified in response to our request;

whose terms should be around 50 years, in addition to assuming the improper powers that we lend to neighbors and have been financing for years in an unfair manner.

A green light was also given, unanimously, to the motion of the PP for the City to urge the regional government to study and take into consideration possible formulas to request before the State Administration the qualification of "entities of public utility" of those Non-profit musical associations that meet the requirements to be recipients of the legal benefits that this qualification implies.

The motion of the PSOE was approved, unanimously and with an amendment of Ganar Totana-IU, to urge the Government of Spain to modify, as soon as possible, the tax on the increase in the value of land of urban nature (IIVTNU ), in accordance with the Constitutional Court Judgment of May 11, 2017.

The same proposal calls for the inclusion in the text proposed by the Government to the creation of a compensation fund that contemplates the reduction of income that may result from the modification of the IITVNU, in line with the approval of the FEMP;

and that a regulation be developed, in depth, of the IIVTNU in the new local financing system.

The motion of the Socialist Group was unanimously agreed to sign the "Declaration of Seville: The commitment of the cities for the Circular Economy", which implies the commitment of the Spanish Local Authorities with the Declaration of Paris and with the derived demands of the package of circular economy measures approved by the European Parliament, a change with the economic model.

The corporations approved, unanimously, the PSOE motion to urge the Governing Council of the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia to return to Primary Care the role that must occupy and facilitate the accessibility of users with the opening of the Health centers and clinics in the afternoon shift to attend primary care consultations, including Pediatrics, in order to expand the service offer to users, in the morning and afternoon.

In addition, another motion of the PSOE was approved, unanimously, showing the total institutional support to the International Transport and Horticultural sector;

to urge the Governing Council of Spain to oppose any measure that involves more tax burden than the current one on international transport;

and demand that he work with the Gallic government to renounce the new tax by traveling on French roads to freight trucks.

The Plenary approved, with the photos in favor of the PSOE and Win Totana-IU and the abstention of the PP and the not attached mayor, the motion of Win Totana-IU for the Consistory to join and support the demands of the movement in defense of the Public Health 'White Tide';

as well as to urge the Ministry of Health to increase the resources allocated to the adaptation of the staff of the different medical specialties with respect to the number of resident citizens, and users in the respective health areas.

It was agreed, unanimously, the motion of the non-attached councilor to create, in the budgets of 2018, an economic item with an annual permanence character destined to cover the necessary means for compliance with the Transparency Law, avoiding the hiring of more personnel for this specific purpose.

In the same way, it was approved, with the votes in favor of the PSOE and Ganar Totana-IU and against the PP and the non-attached mayor, the proposal of the Mayor's office on ratification resolution of the Mayor's Office No. 483/2018, of February 20 on filing of Appeal of appeal against sentence relapsed in PO 394/2016 of Hoteles del Sureste, SL.

Finally, it was approved, with the votes in favor of the PSOE and Ganar Totana-IU and the abstention of the PP and the non-attached mayor, the proposal of the Mayor's Office in order to formalize the loan operation in the area of ​​the Fondo de Ordenación del Article 39.1.

A and B of RDL 17/2014 of December 26 of measures of financial sustainability of the autonomous communities and local entities charged to the Fund for the needs of 2018.

The Plenary approves the joint motion and the institutional manifesto in support of equality between men and women on the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day, next March 8, Foto 1
The Plenary approves the joint motion and the institutional manifesto in support of equality between men and women on the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day, next March 8, Foto 2
The Plenary approves the joint motion and the institutional manifesto in support of equality between men and women on the occasion of the celebration of International Women's Day, next March 8, Foto 3

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