The Local Police of Totana, with the collaboration of the Department of Health and Animal Protection, will imminently initiate actions in order to verify that the dogs and cats of the locality are identified by microchip and vaccinated annually against rabies.
With this initiative, it is intended to comply with Law 6/2017, of November 8, on the protection and defense of companion animals of the Region of Murcia, which regulates the conditions of possession and transport of companion animals, in order to guarantee their well-being, as well as the relationships of those animals to avoid damages in their social environment.
The autonomic legislation advocates to promote responsible pet care, as well as its adoption and sanctions the abandonment, among other relevant issues;
but it also regulates sanitary controls, forms of identification of companion animals, the creation of an autonomous registry, as well as aspects related to sterilization, mutilation and euthanasia.
Similarly, the Local Police will intensify the surveillance to identify and punish those owners of animals that do not collect the excrement on public roads, in order to end the bad appearance and dirt of the streets of the urban area, and avoid health risk that the presence of excrement in streets, parks and gardens is for citizens.
In addition, it is intended to prevent food and drinks from being deposited in streets, parks, gardens and lots to feed stray animals, which leads to the appearance of stray dogs, uncontrolled cat colonies and the appearance and persistence of urban pests such as rats, with the consequent inconveniences for citizens and risk to public health.
In this way, from the next few weeks uniformed and plainclothes local police officers will increase the actions of surveillance and reporting of these actions.
The legislation on tenure and protection of companion animals establishes that dogs and cats must be identified by microchip and vaccinated annually against rabies.
In the public road they will have to be fastened by chain and collar, and they will carry muzzle those dogs considered as potentially dangerous.
Fines for not vaccinating annually for rabies or for not identifying by microchip can be up to 6,000 euros, while penalties for not removing the excrement from the public road will be up to 1,500 euros.
Neighbors who place food and drinks on public roads will be fined up to 300 euros.