Municipal authorities and responsible for the Illustrious Cabildo Superior de Procesiones have recently presented the new informative triptych, which the City Council has been publishing in recent years, with the program of the activities of Lent and Holy Week this year, which is celebrated from the 14th February to April 1.
The mayor, Andrés García, and the councilor for Culture, Eulalia Moreno, accompanied by the president of Ilustre Cabildo Superior de Procesiones, José Ramón Peñalver, and the company's executive representatives have given an account of the new hand program, which illustrates the poster announcing with an image of the sculptural group of the "Coronation of Thorns".
In the act of presentation, in which he realized the set of acts and processions, were also present the Nazarene of Honor of the Holy Week of this year, Francisco Imbernón, and the president of the Brotherhood that represents the poster of the Week Santa of 2018, Casimiro Esteban, as well as executives of the entity.
The leaflets, of which a total of 3,500 copies have been published, will be distributed at the Tourism Office and the Socio-Cultural Center "La Cárcel", as well as through the 17 Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods that make up the Totanera Holy Week.
The program includes almost fifty activities, including cultural, educational, social and religious events, all promoted by the Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods through the Illustrious Superior Councils, and some with the collaboration of associations of the municipality.
As news, this year the Holy Mass of "Nazarene Music Day" is celebrated the day before (Saturday, March 10) at the "Memorial Juan Antonio Yáñez de Lara" (Sunday, March 11);
and a Eucharist is celebrated in memory of the deceased of Our Father Jesus Nazareno and Santo Sepulcro and later homage to Pedro Marín Ayala.
Another novelty is recorded this year with the procession of the Risen One (Sunday, April 1), because, instead of holding the meeting at 11:30 am, it will be at 12:00 in the Plaza de la Constitución;
and it changes the itinerary (Constitución Square, Puente, San Antonio, Santa Eulalia Avenue, San Cristóbal, Padre Melchor de Benisa, Juan XXIII and Juan de la Cierva Square).
The municipal officials invited the Totanera society to participate in the events scheduled for the coming weeks and congratulated the Cabildo for the list of activities promoted for Holy Week, which make it worthy of the declaration of Regional Tourist Interest.
For his part, the president of the Cabildo thanked the City for their collaboration for the edition, one more year, of this hand program that helps to disseminate the activities scheduled this year.