The Athletics Club Totana present in the III Vrutrail


On Saturday 17th Carlos Ballester and Bartolomé Sánchez "Memé" participated in the III Vrutrail, which started from Finca Caruana at 09:00 in the morning.

The test had a distance of 31 km and a drop of 1,600 meters in which the Francisco Francisco Alfonso Nicolás of the Club "La Gráfica Murcia Trail" won.

One of the differences with other Trail tests is the annual modification of the route and its publication the previous day.

On this occasion there was an increase of 4km with respect to the one disputed the previous year and the obligatory nature of wearing windbreaks.

The first member of the Totana Athletics Club to reach the finish line was "Memé" who finished the 29th overall with a time of 3 hours 24 minutes and 29 seconds and in the 16th position in the senior male category.

A few minutes later he crossed the finish line Carlos Ballester occupying the 64th position of the general and twentieth position in the Veteran A Male category with a time of 3:47 minutes and 29 seconds.

The Athletics Club Totana present in the III Vrutrail, Foto 1
The Athletics Club Totana present in the III Vrutrail, Foto 2

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