The mayor of Totana, Andrés García, met this week with the Delegate of Defense in the Region of Murcia, the Captain of the Nation, José Ignacio Martí Scharfhausen, as part of the round of institutional visits he has been holding with different mayors of the Region since his inauguration.
Especially, these meetings are being held by the Ministry of Defense in the Region in those cities that maintain military barracks in their municipalities, or close to them, as is the case of Totana.
This municipality has since July 1997 with installations of the Air Force in the Aerial Assembly No. 13 of Sierra Espuña (EVA-13), in the Collado Bermejo.
On May 10, 1994, the Air Surveillance Squadron number 13 was created, initially sharing the settlement with the Transmission Center No. 5 (CT-5) of the Army.
Subsequently, the construction of the facilities that will make up the Air Surveillance Squadron n ° 13 began, and was inaugurated on January 10, 1995.
In June of that same year the radar and data transmission systems were installed, beginning then the testing period aimed at achieving full performance of the equipment and its complete integration in the Automatic Air Defense System.
Already in 1997 the Army transferred its facilities to the Air Force, which took charge of them, creating Air Surveillance Squadron No. 13 (EVA13) and Sierra Espuña Air Station.
Since then EVA13 assumes the maintenance in the first and second steps of the node of the Air Force's microwave network, and from July 2001, the Nodal Center 450 (CNA-450) of the Joint Military Telecommunications System.
The mayor had the opportunity to transfer to the Delegate of Defense the importance that this military base has in the civil society of Totana for years, and that has been collaborating in the organization of sports and social activities in the municipality.
For his part, the head of the Ministry of Defense offered the first mayor, among other issues, the possibility of hosting some of the traveling exhibitions that the General Subdirectorate for Publications and Cultural Heritage of this department organized throughout Spain on various topics, basically missions international peace, in order to bring the armed forces closer to civil society.
Martí Scharfhausen from Madrid, in the Army since 1979, has been head of flight safety of the aircraft fleet, chief of communications and radio stations of the Strait, has been stationed in the General Staff of the Navy, in the Arsenal Military of Cartagena, in Shape in Mons (Belgium) and in the headquarters of logistical support of the Navy.
His specialty is communications, although he is an airplane pilot and a flight security graduate from the "Naval Postgraduate School" in Monterey (California).
To his credit he has four crosses to naval merit, one to aeronautical merit and the cross and commission of the Royal and Military Order of San Hermengildo.