The Service of Advice to the User of the Municipal Services of the Department of Economic Development of the City council of Totana wants to offer information on the new social reality and the adaptation to the communitarian norm in relation to the collection of the plastic bags in the commerce.
As of January 1, 2018 all plastic bags of any type and size can be charged, although the state government is giving a margin of adaptation until March 1 that will be when the law is imposed with all its consequences.
Only the very light ones will be free to transport food sold in bulk.
All this is a consequence of the transfer to Spanish legislation of Directive 2015/720 of the European Union for the reduction of plastic consumption in its member countries.
The regulation states that states must adopt measures to reduce the consumption of plastic bags, also cites the adoption of instruments so that plastic bags are not delivered free of charge.
In this year 2018 a norm that forces to charge between five and thirty cents for each bag that delivers a trade will enter into force.
A draft royal decree of the Government, still in process but whose draft is known, which will incorporate the European directive 2015/720 to reduce the consumption of plastic bags across the EU through measures such as the collection of a minimum price. for each one of them.
The bags will cost a minimum of between 5 and 30 centimoscada one of them depending on their characteristics, although the Ministry of Environment emphasizes that these are approximate prices: the cheapest -5 cents- will be compostable plastic with a thickness of up to 29 microns, followed by those of 30 microns or more and those of 29 microns or more but not compostable -10 cents-, those of 30 microns or more non-compostable -15 cents- and the oxodegradable ones of 50 microns or more -30 cents-.
The new regulations will establish that merchants will not be able to deliver light bags -with a thickness of less than 50 microns- to consumers at the points of sale free of charge, with some exceptions "depending on the specific use, their compostability or durability", because its consumption produces "high levels of dispersed waste, imply an inefficient use of resources and it is foreseeable that they will increase if measures are not taken".
Also, bags of less than 15 microns used as primary packaging for bulk foods would be exempt from this measure, while compostables will have a price lower than that established for conventional plastic bags.
The royal decree project will expressly prohibit the commercialization of oxodegradable light plastic bags due to the "damage to soils, water and organisms" that they generate since instead of being decomposed they are fragmented into micropiezas of plastic that contaminate the environment.
European legislation aims to reduce the level of annual consumption to a maximum of 90 bags per person on December 31, 2019 and no later than December 40 to December 2025.
At present and according to various studies, up to 238 bags are used per person and each of them takes about 400 years to decompose completely;
In addition, only 10% are recycled, which generates some 100,000 tons of waste per year.
According to the data provided by the sector and included in the royal decree project, only in 2014 were placed on the Spanish market 62,560 tons of plastic bags less than 50 microns, equivalent to more than 6.7 billion units.
The new regulations also include the obligation to launch awareness campaigns at least during the first year since the project came into force, as well as to mark the compostable bags.
In addition, the Registry of "producers of products" (REPP), attached to the General Directorate of Quality and Environmental Evaluation and Natural Environment of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment (MAPAMA), which will collect information on the arrival to the market of this type of articles.
The REPP was born in principle with three sections: producers of batteries, accumulators and batteries;
of electrical and electronic equipment, and plastic bags.
To this day, most Spanish supermarkets and supermarkets already charge for plastic bags, although there is still no specific prohibition in this field.
From the decade of the 50s, gradually, plastic was incorporated in its many variants to the domestic life of Spanish homes, which brought multiple advantages offered by a versatile, light and economical material.
However, the process of extracting the raw material (oil), distribution and manufacturing in the use and management of plastic waste has led to a real environmental alarm that must be stopped without further delay.