This first weekend of February there are many activities of the Carnival program in 2018 in Totana, so that this Saturday, the 3rd, at 8:00 pm, there will be a parade with musical animation of the Charanga "As it sounds" , from the Plaza de la Constitución to the "Marcos Ortiz" Auditorium, accompanied by La Musa, Don Carnal, the town crier, authorities and the Peñas de Carnaval.
One hour later, at 9:00 p.m., at the Carnavalera Tent, it will be the Gala with the proclamation of the Carnival by the crier of this year, Francisco Martínez Martínez, known as Paco "El Carola", and the delivery of the Mask of Gold'2018 to Juan Martinez Legs (Tío Juan Rita), as well as the proclamation of La Musa and Don Carnal infantil, María Pilar López and Francisco Gómez, both of the CEIP "La Cruz".
The act, whose entry has a cost of 7 euros, will feature the performances of the Chirigota Los Pipirigallos, students of the 5th year of Spanish Dance of the Professional Conservatory of Dance of Murcia, several local clubs and the participation of La Musa and Don Carnal of this year, starring Sonia Mateo (La Esencia) and José Ramón Peñalver (In Almíbar).
Already at midnight, the concert will be held, with free entry of "La Espartera".
On Sunday, February 4, at 11:30 am, the MasterClass of Zumba Special Carnival will take place, at the Carnavalera Tent in the auditorium "Marcos Ortiz", for whose participation it has to be attended in disguise or with Carnival supplements;
and is organized by the School of Dance "Mari Loli", with free participation -inscriptions one hour before the activity-.
In the same place, in the tent of the auditorium "Marcos Ortiz" of the municipal park, starting at noon, the Day Fair will start;
and at 1:00 pm, it will be the Pet Costumes Contest, in which there will be great gifts and the inscriptions can be made one hour before the same.
More acts next week
The program continues on Tuesday, February 6, in the afternoon, during business hours, with a visit to the participating businesses in the II Showcases and Decorated Shops of Carnival Contest;
on Wednesday, February 7, with the morning visit of La Musa and Don Carnal'2018, accompanied by La Musa and Don Carnal'2017 to the hospital "Virgen de la Arrixaca";
and on Thursday, February 8, at 11:00 am, with the visit to the residence "La Purisima" and the Occupational Center "José Moyá Trilla" of the characters of the Carnival 2018 and the local authorities.