The Group of Missionary Collaborators of Totana ( GCM ), taking advantage of this space that so kindly provides, approaches all the totaneros to wish them a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year 2021. Among the many activities that during this year we have "missed" in our Municipality, due to the problems caused by the current pandemic, has been the failure to hold the Annual Solidarity Market in favor of the Comboni Missionaries . For the people of Totana, the activity of this Group is something well known, close and consolidated over time, since the annual Solidarity Market reached its XXVII edition last year.
Due to this, -and although this year for health reasons it has not been possible-, the volunteers have continued to contribute to the members of the GCM, all kinds of objects (clothes, blankets, books, footwear, beads, ).
Among the objects donated, the Group wants to highlight one that is "fixed" every year: a basket made up of a large batch of products from the COATO Cooperative, donated by its president, José Lu s Hern ndez Acosta. But even though the Market has not taken place, the activity of the GCM has not ceased over the last few months, as its members have adapted to the current circumstances and, -maintaining at all times the due security measures and taking extreme advantage of all the precautions-, have continued to carry out their work of collecting solidarity aid, missionary animation, information, collecting donations, and in recent months, the sale of the Christmas lottery (whose n has been awarded with the refund of the amount played).
All the proceeds collected will be sent this Christmas to the Comboni Missionaries. Along with this article, the GCM provides some photos of its activities in 2019, but also a very special video , as it has been prepared by Sr.
Prado Fern ndez, to express the gratitude of the Comboni Missionaries to Totana. Said video includes the presentation of Sr.
Prado , and then the special greeting that she addresses to Totana, one of the Sisters who for many years was in charge of supporting the missionary collaboration of the Group.
from Totana: Sr.
Pilar Gilaberte , who is currently continuing her work from Madrid.
It also includes the greeting of Sr.
ngeles L pez , a Murcian missionary who sends us her greeting from her Mission in Mozambique.
That of another Missionary who took over from Sister Pilar in supporting the Totana Group: Sister Encarnita C mara , who sends us her greetings from her Mission in Ethiopia; and that of other Missionaries from different areas of the world who have been able to join in this testimony of gratitude towards Totana. On behalf of the Comboni Missionary Sisters , Thank you Totana for your help and your prayer !! Merry Christmas!!