| The totaneros give a 5.5 to municipal management compared to 4.9 received by the regional administration and 4.1 from the state administration, as shown by the results of a opinion poll carried out in the municipality | In the sociological study carried out from November 3 to 13 among the residents of Totana, we obtain as a result that when asked "Assess the performance of the three public administrations in the face of the pandemic", the Totana City Council is the best valued against the regional and state."In these difficult moments and precisely the moment we were living during the survey itself, we see how the City Council receives the best evaluation, being the only administration that" approves "with 5.5 points.
The Regional Government follows with 4.9 points.
And the Central Government ranks last with a 4.1 rating.
"In the description for political sympathies, we see that both the voters of Ganar Totana IU and Psoe value the Totana City Council with the best score, while those of other parties lean towards the Regional Government.By age ranges, the Totana City Council is the best rated in all of them, from 18 to 30, from 31 to 44, from 44 to 65 and from 65 onwards."For Ganar Totana it is very significant to observe how despite the continuous campaigns against the Government Team and the Mayor by the opposition groups en bloc, the citizens value the work carried out in the face of a situation that has made all the countries in the world and that it continues to be very tough due to the social and economic impact it is having on our region and our municipality.
"From the Government Team and from this political formation, we will continue working to move the municipality forward, always defending the general interest and the proposals that gave us the majority support in the last elections.
We continue to call on the opposition to leave the destructive opposition to obtain political gain and to collaborate positively for Totana.
Because if we must learn something from this situation, it is that now more than ever our neighbors need us to all go together, as in the case of the 'Covid Aid' to the self-employed and affected companies that are already beginning to enter.
The only enemy is the virus and the only objective must be that our people can emerge as successfully as possible from this pandemic, which still has no date to be eradicated.