| The Survey, carried out by the company CELESTE-TEL from November 3 to 13, shows that almost 48% do not have a defined opinion while 6.3% are against the location of the Museum in the CTA | In a Sociological study with a sample of 400 people, among other questions, respondents are asked about the consideration in the location of the future Museum in the Municipality.
It is worth noting the limited involvement of the population in this issue, when the Survey was carried out in the days when the debate seemed to be the custody of the archaeological pieces of the Argaric Site of La Bastida, highlighting, according to Ganar Totana, that There are other problems that concern citizens and those who have an opinion on the matter, are firmly committed to the Old Technological Center of Crafts, located a few meters from the Urban Center of Totana, next to the Arco de las Ollerías.In the study and development of the answers, it is revealed that those who bet on the Technological Center as a City Museum are those surveyed in the age range of 31 to 64 years.Due to political sympathies, the voters of Ganar Totana-IU and PSOE are mainly positioned by the location in the Technological Center of Crafts, while the voters of the PP and VOX, manifest a lack of knowledge of the controversy that is the majority opinion among the population.For Ganar Totana, it is a significant fact that the debate has not reached the vast majority of the population, but those who are informed clearly opt for the Technological Center as a Museum of the City, which would be a dynamic element of Culture and Economy in the population, exposing archaeological pieces from the Bastida Site and other sites, as a prior step to visiting what would be an Interpretation Center at the Argárico Site, located 7 kilometers from the town."It is very important that our historical and archaeological heritage is valued, as a reference in the stimulation of the total economy, supporting economic sectors that generate employment such as commerce, hospitality or crafts ...", they conclude from the Ganar Totana IU training .