?? * | MUNICIPAL INFORMATION *?? The Council of Ministers has decreed the * ALARM STATUS * to face the Covid-19 pandemic, in force since its publication in today's extraordinary BOE.?? * IMMEDIATE APPLICATION MEASURES *?? The delegated authorities will be the presidents of the autonomous governments.?? * The freedom of movement of people is limited from 11:00 p.m.
to 6:00 a.m.
It can only be circulated for the justified reasons established in the regulation.
The measure is applicable to all of Spain, except the Canary Islands.? * MEASURES TO BE APPLIED BY THE AUTONOMOUS COMMUNITIES AND PROVIDED FOR IN THE ALARM STATUS DECREE *?? * THE AUTONOMIES * may also limit the entry and exit of their territories, in whole or in part.
That is, * THEY MAY CONFINE THE ENTIRE TERRITORY * of their community or decide to confine a * LOWER TERRITORIAL AREA *.
Exceptions are foreseen in the rule.?? The number of * NON-LIVING PEOPLE * that can be grouped in spaces * CLOSED OR OUTDOORS * is * REDUCED TO 6 *.
If there are cohabitants and non-cohabitants in the group, the limitation will also be 6 PEOPLE.
The Autonomous Communities may reduce this number after consulting the Ministry of Health.?? THE TIME OF PERMANENCE IN SPACES DEDICATED TO RELIGIOUS WORSHIP * is LIMITED * taking into account the risk of transmission that could arise from collective meetings.
This rule may not limit in any case the private exercise of religious freedom.Consult the BOE:Royal Decree 926/2020, of October 25, declaring the state of alarm to contain the spread of infections caused by SARS-CoV-2