Order of October 21, 2020 of the Ministry of Health, which extends the validity of the Orders of September 28 and October 14, 2020, by which specific and temporary measures are adopted for public health reasons for the containment of the outbreak of COVID-19 that appeared in the municipalities of Totana, Abanilla and Fortuna.Within the framework of managing the health crisis caused by COVID-19, the regional Administration has adopted numerous measures in order to deal with the transmission of COVID-19 and its health care, the determination of which has been the result of a dynamic process in the evolution of a set of factors and indicators.These measures are basically included in the Agreement of June 19, 2020, of the Governing Council, which approved the prevention and containment measures applicable in the Region of Murcia to face the health crisis situation caused by COVID-19, after the end of the state of alarm and for the reactivation phase (modified on two occasions) and in the Order of August 15, 2020, of the Ministry of Health, by which extraordinary measures are adopted in the Region of Murcia, for the application and execution of the Agreement of the Interterritorial Council of the National Health System on the declaration of coordinated actions in Public Health to respond to the situation of special risk derived from the increase in positive cases due to COVID-19.Likewise, on August 26 and September 3, 2020, successive Orders of the Ministry of Health were approved, adopting additional measures of an exceptional and temporary nature, to face the unfavorable evolution of the COVID-19 epidemic produced In recent days in the Region of Murcia, the latter being extended by Orders of September 18 and October 2, 2020.
Subsequently, a new Order of October 9, 2020 was approved, which included most of the previous restriction measures with small modulations and changes.These instruments contain very diverse measures, fundamentally restrictive in nature and aimed at the same purpose: to fight against the transmission of the disease and its effects on people and to protect public health.Due to their very nature and purpose, they are temporary measures, since their determination and modification is subordinate to regional and national epidemiological evolution, as well as to the advancement of scientific knowledge about the disease and the economic and material resources available.For this reason, the third additional provision of Decree-Law 7/2020, of June 18, on measures to revitalize and reactivate the regional economy due to the health crisis (COVID-19), enabled the head of the Ministry competent in health matters, as a health authority, to modulate or modify, in accordance with the applicable regulations and in view of the evolution of the health situation, by means of an Order, the general hygiene and prevention measures and those related to capacity and number maximum number of people allowed for each type of establishment, facility or activity, approved by agreement of the Governing Council.This Provision also empowers you to adopt those additional or complementary measures to those provided for in said Agreement that it is necessary to implement, temporarily and for as long as it is necessary, such as perimeter confinements, isolations, quarantines, restrictions on collective mobility.
, general suspension of activities, closure or closure of facilities, applicable to specific sectors of activity or for specific territorial areas in the event of localized outbreaks.This authorization to the Minister of Health has materialized in the issuance of various orders aimed at containing the transmission of COVID-19, through the adoption of measures directed in some cases to the entire population of the Region of Murcia, and in others, to the population of specific territorial areas that present especially worrying outbreaks or infection rates.In the adoption of all these measures adopted in recent months, efforts have been made to safeguard due proportionality between the level of restriction of rights and the degree of incidence and evolution of the epidemic, both at the regional level and in each of the municipalities of the Region, adjusting the intensity and rigor of the measures to the specific need observed at all times.In this sense, both in the Agreement of June 19, 2020 of the Governing Council and in the various orders of restrictive measures subsequently approved, numerous restrictions of different nature and depth have been implemented, which have led to limitations of capacity and percentages in depending on the types of establishments or activities, limitations on the number of people who can participate or attend events or acts of various kinds, or also requirements to obtain prior validation for the performance of certain types of acts.
Ultimately, there has even been a partial limitation of mobility and movement of people for specific and limited nuclei, with restriction of entry and exit from the affected territory, albeit modulated with justified exceptions,especially when the numbers of infections and number of cases in accumulated incidence reach high risk levels, which make it necessary to adopt the most intense restrictive measures.This is the case of what has happened in various municipalities and districts of the Region in recent weeks, given the alarming increase in infections in those territories, which have led to the adoption of restrictive measures that implied that restriction of free entry and exit of people within the corresponding territorial scope during a period of seven days.Regarding the municipality of Totana, it presented increasing incidence rates from the week of July 20 to 26, which led to a first confinement during the last week of July and the first two weeks of August.
As a consequence of the aforementioned confinement, a progressive decrease in the incidence rate was observed, which reached a minimum rate in the week of August 10 to 16 with a rate of 96.9 cases / 100,000 inhabitants.However, at the end of September, the competent epidemiological services verified an evident worsening of the epidemiological situation of this population, which led to the approval of the Order of September 28, 2020 of the Ministry of Health, by which specific measures are adopted and temporary due to public health reasons to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 that appeared in the municipality of Totana.
In relation to this Order, specifically regarding its article 3, which provides for restrictive measures in the mobility and circulation of people to and from the municipality, a judicial ratification of the measures fell, agreed on the date of 1 October 2020 by the Plenary of the Contentious Chamber of the TSJ of Murcia.
The validity of the Order of September 28 has been extended by orders of 1,October 8 and 14, 2020, all of them judicially ratified.For its part, through a report of October 14 from the General Sub-Directorate for Prevention, Health Promotion and Addictions, the complicated epidemiological situation in the municipalities of Abanilla and Fortuna was revealed, whose data on new infections placed them in the top positions of the list of municipalities with the highest incidence rates per 100,000 inhabitants in the Region.
This required the adoption of intense restriction measures, which materialized in the approval of the Order of October 14, 2020, which adopts specific and temporary measures for reasons of public health to contain the outbreak of COVID-19 that appeared in the municipalities of Abanilla and Fortuna.
The restrictive measures of freedom of movement contained in this order were also subject to judicial ratification,by order of October 19, 2020 of the Contentious Chamber of the TSJ of Murcia.Well, on October 20, a new report was issued by the General Subdirectorate for Prevention, Health Promotion and Addictions of this Ministry, which highlights the need to maintain the measures adopted in the municipalities of Totana , Abanilla and Fortuna.In this sense, in relation to the municipality of Totana, it indicates that after the deconfinition in August, the municipality has had increasing rates of infections, reaching figures higher than those of the pre-confinement the week of September 7 to 13 with rates of 493, 6 cases / 100,000 inhabitants in the last 7 days.
This growing trend was confirmed in the third and fourth week of September (14 to 20 and 21 to 27) with rates of 868.5 and 1,156 cases / 100,000 inhabitants respectively.Throughout the month of September, selective strategies were carried out in the municipality with screening to search for cases and contacts in companies where outbreaks of COVID-19 have been observed, with the aim of managing to address the problem in a surgical way avoiding having to take measures general that could have consequences for the entire population.
In this sense, in addition to screening strategies with more than 6,000 PCR tests, social health teams have been articulated to reinforce compliance with isolation and quarantines.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, the increasing incidence rates for the two weeks from September 7 to 20, with a growth of 30 and 80% respectively, and the situation in the week from September 21 to 27, with an incidence that reached 1156 cases / 100,000 inhabitants at 7 days and 2,080.73 cases / 100.000 inhabitants to 14, placed the municipality in a particularly difficult situation.
The evolution during the present confinement has been favorable, observing a decrease in the number of cases (273 and 212 cases in the weeks of September 28 to October 4 and from October 5 to 11 respectively with a rate in the last 7 days 859.2 and 662.3 cases / 100,000 people respectively).
In the last week ending on October 18, the number of cases has continued to decline with a total of 181 new positives and 565.5 cases / 100,000 inhabitants in the last week.
Despite the favorable evolution in the municipality, it is observed that the incidence rate in the last 14 days continues to be very high, with 1,227.8 cases / 100,000 inhabitants.The evolution during the present confinement has been favorable, observing a decrease in the number of cases (273 and 212 cases in the weeks of September 28 to October 4 and from October 5 to 11 respectively with a rate in the last 7 days 859.2 and 662.3 cases / 100,000 people respectively).
In the last week ending on October 18, the number of cases has continued to decline with a total of 181 new positives and 565.5 cases / 100,000 inhabitants in the last week.
Despite the favorable evolution in the municipality, it is observed that the incidence rate in the last 14 days continues to be very high, with 1,227.8 cases / 100,000 inhabitants.The evolution during the present confinement has been favorable, observing a decrease in the number of cases (273 and 212 cases in the weeks of September 28 to October 4 and from October 5 to 11 respectively with a rate in the last 7 days 859.2 and 662.3 cases / 100,000 people respectively).
In the last week ending on October 18, the number of cases has continued to decline with a total of 181 new positives and 565.5 cases / 100,000 inhabitants in the last week.
Despite the favorable evolution in the municipality, it is observed that the incidence rate in the last 14 days continues to be very high, with 1,227.8 cases / 100,000 inhabitants.observing a decrease in the number of cases (273 and 212 cases in the weeks from September 28 to October 4 and from October 5 to 11 respectively with a rate in the last 7 days of 859.2 and 662.3 cases / 100,000 people respectively).
In the last week ending on October 18, the number of cases has continued to decline with a total of 181 new positives and 565.5 cases / 100,000 inhabitants in the last week.
Despite the favorable evolution in the municipality, it is observed that the incidence rate in the last 14 days continues to be very high, with 1,227.8 cases / 100,000 inhabitants.observing a decrease in the number of cases (273 and 212 cases in the weeks of September 28 to October 4 and October 5 to 11 respectively with a rate in the last 7 days of 859.2 and 662.3 cases / 100,000 people respectively).
In the last week ending on October 18, the number of cases has continued to decline with a total of 181 new positives and 565.5 cases / 100,000 inhabitants in the last week.
Despite the favorable evolution in the municipality, it is observed that the incidence rate in the last 14 days continues to be very high, with 1,227.8 cases / 100,000 inhabitants.In the last week ending on October 18, the number of cases has continued to decline with a total of 181 new positives and 565.5 cases / 100,000 inhabitants in the last week.
Despite the favorable evolution in the municipality, it is observed that the incidence rate in the last 14 days continues to be very high, with 1,227.8 cases / 100,000 inhabitants.In the last week ending on October 18, the number of cases has continued to decline with a total of 181 new positives and 565.5 cases / 100,000 inhabitants in the last week.
Despite the favorable evolution in the municipality, it is observed that the incidence rate in the last 14 days continues to be very high, with 1,227.8 cases / 100,000 inhabitants.Por su parte, el municipio de Abanilla ha presentado una incidencia muy baja durante toda la segunda onda pandémica; sin embargo durante la semana del 5 al 11 de octubre el número de nuevos casos positivos fue de 49, con una tasa de incidencia de 799,7 casos/100.000 habitantes.
En la última semana, se consiguió parar el ascenso en el número de casos, registrándose sólo 1 caso más que la semana anterior (total de 50 casos) y una tasa de 816,3 casos/100.000 habitantes.
La tasa de incidencia de los últimos 14 días es de 1615,8 casos/100.000 habitantes.Finalmente, el municipio de Fortuna presentó un control óptimo de la epidemia hasta el 13 de septiembre, con tasas siempre inferiores a la media regional; en las semanas del 14 al 27 de septiembre se observó una tendencia creciente de casos con unas incidencias en los últimos 7 y 14 días respectivamente de 316 y 237 casos/100.000 habitantes.
Sin embargo, ha sido en las semanas del 28 de septiembre al 11 de octubre, con 67 y 71 casos respectivamente, cuando se ha observado un aumento importante del número de casos y tasas de 663 y 702 casos/100.000 habitantes.
Durante la semana que terminó el 18 de octubre, el número de casos registrados fue de 89 casos y tasa de 880,1 casos/100.000 habitantes a 7 días.
Esto supone una tasa en los últimos 14 días de 1592,2 casos/100.000 habitantes.Ello exige el mantenimiento en los municipios de Totana, Abanilla y Fortuna de las medidas intensas de restricción adoptadas por las Órdenes de 28 de septiembre y 14 de octubre de 2020, que se añaden al amplio conjunto de actuaciones que se vienen desarrollando en la Región en los últimos meses, y que consisten esencialmente en dos tipos de medidas: la restricción de los movimientos de entrada y salida del municipio, con un amplio conjunto de supuestos exentos, así como la limitación del ejercicio de determinadas actividades en aquellos casos en que la experiencia ha demostrado la efectividad de su restricción en la lucha contra la epidemia.
En particular, estas limitaciones afectan a la suspensión de la actividad en el interior de los locales de hostelería, restauración y juego y apuestas, ante la evidencia de que numerosos brotes de la enfermedad tienen su origen en la interacción personal en estos espacios cerrados donde las medidas de prevención se relajan, así como a una mayor reducción de aforos en el resto de actividades que ya se consideró oportuno limitar en el apartado II del anexo del Acuerdo de 19 de junio de 2020 de Consejo de Gobierno.Estas medidas, que resultan especialmente restrictivas y en algunos casos pueden afectar a derechos fundamentales y libertades individuales como la libertad de circulación, encuentran su fundamento habilitante en la Ley Orgánica 3/1986, de Medidas Especiales en Materia de Salud Pública, que permite a las Administraciones Públicas competentes la adopción de medidas que restrinjan o modulen derechos fundamentales, siempre y cuando se sustenten en razones de urgencia, necesidad y proporcionalidad apreciadas de manera individualizada en cada caso, debiendo llevar aparejada con posterioridad la necesaria ratificación judicial por parte de la Jurisdicción Contencioso-Administrativa.En consecuencia, en base a esta habilitación orgánica se aprueba la presente orden, teniendo en consideración lo dispuesto en el artículo 11.1 del Estatuto de Autonomía, aprobado por Ley Orgánica 4/1982, de 9 de junio, que atribuye a la Región de Murcia la competencia de desarrollo legislativo y ejecución en materia de sanidad, higiene, ordenación farmacéutica y coordinación hospitalaria en general, incluida la de la Seguridad Social, sin perjuicio de lo dispuesto en el número 16 del artículo 149.1 de la Constitución, siendo la Consejería de Salud el departamento de la Comunidad Autónoma de la Región de Murcia encargado de la propuesta, desarrollo y ejecución de las directrices generales del Consejo de Gobierno en las citadas materias, en virtud del artículo 11 del Decreto del Presidente 29/2019, de 31 de julio, de reorganización de la Administración Regional.En su virtud, en uso de las atribuciones conferidas por la Disposición adicional tercera del Decreto-Ley 7/2020, de 18 de junio, de medidas de dinamización y reactivación de la economía regional con motivo de la crisis sanitaria (COVID-19), a propuesta del Director General de Salud Pública y AdiccionesDispongo:Artículo 1.
Prórroga.Se prorroga la vigencia de la Orden de 28 de septiembre de 2020 y de la Orden de 14 de octubre de 2020 de la Consejería de Salud, por las que se adoptan medidas específicas y temporales por razón de salud pública para la contención del rebrote de COVID-19 aparecido, respectivamente, en los municipios de Totana y Abanilla y Fortuna, durante un período adicional de siete días naturales, a contar desde las 00:00 horas del día 22 de octubre de 2020.Artículo 2.
Comunicación.Se dará traslado de la presente Orden a la Delegación del Gobierno, a los Ayuntamientos de Totana, Abanilla, Fortuna y a los ayuntamientos limítrofes, a los efectos de recabar su cooperación y colaboración, en su caso, a través de los cuerpos y fuerzas de seguridad, para el control y aplicación de las medidas adoptadas.Artículo 3.
Ratificación judicial.Por el conducto reglamentario adecuado se solicitará, asimismo, la ratificación judicial de esta Orden de prórroga, de conformidad a lo dispuesto en el artículo 10.8 de la Ley 29/1998, de 13 de julio, reguladora de la Jurisdicción Contencioso Administrativa.Artículo 4.
Eficacia.La presente Orden tendrá una vigencia de siete días naturales, a contar desde las 00:00 horas del día de su publicación.Esta vigencia podrá ser prorrogada o modulada si así lo requiere la evolución de la situación epidemiológica de cada uno de los municipios afectados.Murcia, 21 de octubre de 2020.
El Consejero de Salud, Manuel Villegas García.