Aid for hiring domestic employees to reconcile work and family life in the Region


The Department of Economic Development reports on the aid for hiring domestic employees for the reconciliation of family and work life in the Region of Murcia, by virtue of the publication in the BORM last Saturday of the resolution of October 13 of 2020 of the general director of the Regional Employment and Training Service, by which a new call for aid is approved for the hiring of domestic workers for the reconciliation of family and work life in the Region of Murcia.The beneficiaries are the father or mother who is a member of the family unit who appears as the owner of the family home in the Social Security contribution document of the person employed in the home hired to care for the son or daughter under 12 years of age or person with a disability who does not perform a paid activity.In addition, the object is the hiring of unemployed people and registered in the Employment Office through an employment relationship of a special nature of the family home service, who provide services in the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, whose amount amounts to 500 euros .In relation to the deadlines, it is communicated that the general one exists, between the day following the publication of the extract of the call and November 16, 2020, this being the last day of presentation of applications; and the individual, which is 15 days from the date of registration with Social Security of the person hired. However, in the case of contracts made between September 1, 2020 and the date of publication of the extract of the call, the deadline for submitting applications will be 15 days from the day following the publication of the said extract in the Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia, as reported by the same sources from the Department.

Aid for hiring domestic employees to reconcile work and family life in the Region, Foto 1

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