The Local Government Board has agreed to accept the nominative grant financed by the Autonomous Community of the Region of Murcia, through the Murcian Institute of Social Action, for an amount of 102,004 euros for the maintenance of the Totana Child Development and Early Care Center, located in the Tirol Camilleri neighborhood.The deadline for executing the actions that are the object of this agreement are from January 1 to December 31, 2020, respectively.The agreement regulates the commitments and conditions applicable to the granting of said aid to maintain said services, as well as assuming the commitment of co-financing by the Totana City Council for the amount of 28,082.54 euros in order to cover the total cost of the project for the financial year 2020.The Totanero Consistory has provided, for several years, different prevention, detection and evaluation programs, as well as therapeutic intervention programs, counseling to families and professionals from other services in the environment, aimed at children under six years of age with some type of of therapeutic, transitory or permanent needs originated by limitations, alterations in development or at risk of suffering it.This care is organized through the Totana Child Development and Early Care Center, whose operating costs are co-financed by the Autonomous Community by virtue of the aforementioned nominative grant that the Murcian Institute of Social Action (IMAS) transfers annually to the City Council.
Likewise, the Early Attention Center provides prevention, detection and diagnosis programs; Therapeutic intervention programs that include motor, cognitive, motor, speech therapy and functional, socio-affective and family stimulation; advice to the family and the social environment and coordination with other centers or services for the development of their functions.Children between 0 and 6 years old who present any type of alteration in their development or biological or social risk of suffering it can attend the center, receiving treatment, stimulation or advice within an ecological, integral and multidisciplinary model; and the ultimate goal is the prevention and development of the potential of each child, facilitating their integration, personal autonomy and well-being.