Families can apply from this week for regional aid for reconciling family and work life to alleviate the effects produced by COVID-19


Single-parent families, large families of special category and with children born in childbirth / multiple adoption will benefit; and can reach up to 4,000 euros per family and the deadline to request them is 10 daysInterested persons can request more information at the Municipal Social Services Center by calling 968 41 81 77The Official Gazette of the Region of Murcia publishes this week the Order of aid for single-parent families, many of special category and families with children born of multiple births to meet various expenses, among which are the reconciliation of the family and working life, and to which the Ministry of Women, Equality, LGTBI, Families and Social Policy allocates 500,000 euros, which may be increased up to one million euros.

These will serve to alleviate part of the effects produced by COVID-19 and will be maintained later.Families who want to opt have a period of 10 days to request them, until October 27.

The maximum amount of the same may not exceed 4,000 euros that will be aimed at improving the family organization and the conditions derived from coronavirus to mitigate the blow to the family economy.To be beneficiaries, families must meet certain requirements such as having the status of a special large family recognized or not having access to other aid of the same nature and for the same purpose that come from any public administration, as well as being registered in the Region of Murcia and that the level of income does not exceed the per capita family income calculated in the IPREM.Regarding families with children born multiple births, the birth of at least three minors and less than six years of age at the time of application will be considered.

In the same way as in families with permanent foster care or foster care for adoption purposes.For their part, in single-parent families, single children may not be over 21 years of age, unless they are studying for a job, in which case it may be extended to 25 years.

Nor will age matter when it comes to a person with a disability or incapable of working.The maximum amount of these aid for families will be 4,000 euros per year in concepts such as food, dining rooms or expenses derived from hiring people for home care.

Of 3,000 euros if it is about textile and footwear expenses, pharmacy or those derived from attending Child Care Centers, extracurricular activities or extension of hours.

And, finally, 2,000 euros in hygienic-sanitary expenses and childcare accessories.

Families can apply from this week for regional aid for reconciling family and work life to alleviate the effects produced by COVID-19, Foto 1

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