Totana neighbors:The "measures" taken by both the regional and local governments to alleviate the effects of the Pandemic on our people are clearly insufficient and ineffective; But when we contribute ideas to take measures that can have a positive effect and that help to combat the coronavirus, we are ignored and our opinion is not taken into account.To paraphrase one of the idols of the local government: "If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem" (LENIN).OFFICIAL COMMUNICATION:THE CIVIL PLATFORM “NOW TOTANA” WAIVES THE ECONOMIC RESOURCES THAT THE CITY COUNCIL PROVIDES US, AND WE HAVE VERY GOOD IDEAS THAT WE WANT TO PUT INTO PRACTICE, BUT WE ARE IGNORED.To go into the background, we want to highlight the following dates and events that occurred, arranged chronologically:1.
(05/28/2020) This Platform asked a question in Plenary to the Government Team, in the following terms: Are measures going to be adopted against overcrowding in homes and slums, in order to prosecute certain abuses in rents and reallocations of rooms, monitor this overcrowding, in order to prevent and avoid possible infections given this overcrowding and poor sanitation in those homes.?• To this question the Government Team answered in the Plenary itself that it is studying with the legal services whether this type of intervention can be carried out.2.
(06/09/2020) The municipal group Ganar Totana signs a motion to the June ordinary plenary session in the sense "Urging the Autonomous Government to develop a strategy to persecute the slum in the Region of Murcia."• On 06/20/20, this Platform presents an amendment to the entirety of this motion, in the sense that social services are the ones who monitor the hygienic-sanitary conditions of the rental homes in the housing stock to be created, and that the municipal services monitor the situations of excess of people living and the conditions of habitability.• Our amendment was changed to an addition amendment, in the Plenary itself and was approved unanimously by the councilors.
So our demands were approved in plenary session.3.
(08/06/2020) This Platform presents at the COVID-19 meeting, the first meeting to which municipal groups are invited, some proposals, among which we highlight:• Increase in the number of people dedicated to tracking and monitoring positive people.• We propose that people positive for coronavirus who do not comply with mandatory confinement be financially sanctioned.• That people who do not comply with the confinement and those who cannot comply due to habitability problems, are obligatorily confined in buildings equipped for this purpose with all the hygienic-sanitary measures, and are attended to in their basic needs.4.
(09/14/2020) Popular Party makes a motion to the September ordinary plenary session stating, among others, “For the City Council to strictly carry out the inspection and initiation of files for non-compliance with the adopted rules….
to face the health crisis situation of covid-19 ".
Motion that was approved unanimously.• See our second proposal from the previous point.We currently have a PILOT PROJECT in Totana, which in its fundamental lines of action indicates the increase in trackers, and the selective confinement in a center that meets all the requirements so that these people can comply with this procedure for the necessary time, with the due attentions.Actually, this pilot project is going to undertake the work of the government team that, due to its inaction and indolence, has led this municipality to this unsustainable situation.
And all this for ignoring the claims that we have raised from this Platform.At the command of this pilot project, there are staff from the Autonomous Community of Murcia, two doctors, a nurse and a social worker, in addition to the rest of the groups that make up the permanent commission of covid-19 in Totana, government team, local police , Civil Guard and NGOs, invited to do so.
In other words, the same groups as previously, commanded by the four people sent by the Murcian Health Service, which shows the inability to manage the situation.As measures that solve this situation in origin, we propose the following, starting from the basis that we have to be aware that Totana cannot accommodate absolutely all the people who want to come, Totana does not have infrastructure neither in housing nor in services to sustain this pressure demographic.Our proposal is that the mafias and others who indiscriminately register people in homes that are materially uninhabitable should be persecuted, either because of the living conditions or because of the number of people who are already registered in said home.
It is common sense to think that these people do not really live in that house and therefore they live in other places, either in uninhabited premises, in occupied houses, crammed into rented rooms, etc ...
This is one of the real problems, since those When people register in Totana, they almost automatically obtain a health card, and therefore a vital basic service, which keeps them anchored in Totana.What we propose does not seek to discriminate absolutely anyone, what we intend is to bring dignity to these people, to ensure that these people are treated correctly, that their needs are not abused, that they do not pay a price for services that are free.