They start the file to contract the technical assistance service that allows processing the PGMO of Totana


The Local Government Board has agreed to process the technical assistance contract that enables the General Municipal Planning Plan (PGMO) of Totana to be processed, through a simplified open procedure following various award criteria.In addition, it has been approved to approve the list of legal and economic-administrative clauses that will govern the bidding and award of the aforementioned contract.The Totana City Council has the need to correct certain deficiencies observed during the processing of the final approval of the General Municipal Planning Plan of the municipality.These deficiencies have been revealed by means of a request made to the City Council by the Water Commissariat of the Segura Hydrographic Confederation, of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries, Food and Environment, dated December 18, 2017; which complements a previous one, dated March 17, 2015.This procedure is carried out considering that the Totanero Consistory does not have the material and human resources for its execution, and that is why the external contracting of this service is necessary.

In addition to the fact that its correction has taken a long time, so it is already essential for the PGMO to be approved definitively.

They start the file to contract the technical assistance service that allows processing the PGMO of Totana, Foto 1
They start the file to contract the technical assistance service that allows processing the PGMO of Totana, Foto 2
They start the file to contract the technical assistance service that allows processing the PGMO of Totana, Foto 3
They start the file to contract the technical assistance service that allows processing the PGMO of Totana, Foto 4

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