Step by step this ambitious project that we call “Camino Eulaliense” is being configured.
Last June 2019, the first steps were taken, starting from the Sanctuary of Santa Eulalia de Mérida de Totana in the direction of the city of Mérida.
Leaving the "Camino" last October 2019 in the hamlet of Don Domingo with 170 km already traveled.
The intention was to continue with it during the days 1, 2 and 3 of last May 2020, until arriving at Villanueva del Arzobispo; but due to the state of alarm caused by COVID-19, this was not possible, so this section has been carried out on two weekends: July 11, 12 and 18, 19 of this anomalous year 2020."On Saturday July 11 at 6:30 in the morning we left Totana by bus about forty pilgrims including walkers and logistics team in the direction of the town of Don Domingo, a small village belonging to the municipality of Santiago-Pontones and at a height 1,540 meters above sea level, where we stayed on October 13, 2019 "tells a pilgrim to this newsroom.
"After a brief stop in La Puebla de D.
Fadrique we arrived at our destination, where there is a nice hostel but which is currently closed and abandoned, very unfortunately.
Here, in D.
Domingo, 5 more pilgrims from the already friendly town joined de Villanueva del Arzobispo After a light lunch,delivery of credentials and handkerchief to the new pilgrims who join this project and the usual prayer that begins each of the stages that are being carried out, we began, now, to walk although with the sun already high, following the signs of the GR-144 or Ruta de la Transhumancia in the direction of Ponton Alto, along a forest track in slight ascent until the altimeter marked 1,717 meters above sea level, surely the highest point of the entire “Eulaliense Way”.
Continuing along the main track, now downhill, we find some huge pine trees that are appreciated because until now the landscape has been barren and arid, where we take advantage of a brief rest and hydration.
We continue to descend, accompanied by an increasingly abundant grove of trees, until we reach the unique and special place of the Source of the Segura River,a spring of crystalline and cold blue-green waters that flow from a cave, surprising and refreshing just by admiring them "."A few meters from this spring and under a huge walnut tree, we shared the food that the logistics team had prepared for us and that with their invaluable work makes the hardest moments quickly become forgotten""Although it was difficult to leave this refreshing place, there was no choice but to continue through the nearby village of Fuente Segura and parallel to the very young Segura river to the town of Pontón Alto.
Short rest and now we follow the marks of the Camino de San Juan de la Cruz; that will take us along a comfortable path between limestone cliffs and abundant vegetation to the town of Ponton Bajo, the end of the stage "."Once we were housed in a hostel and rural houses previously reserved for the night, we had free time until dinner that we shared in a local restaurant.
End of the day.""It has been a 17.35 km stage with a total duration including breaks and meals of 7 hours 30 minutes"."The following day, Sunday the 12th, after meeting at the door of the Church of Ponton Bajo and the corresponding prayer, we left in the direction of Ponton Alto, so we retraced the path we had arrived on the previous afternoon.
From this town our steps already They will follow the milestones of the Camino de San Juan de La Cruz, which will take us through livestock tracks to Casas de Carrasco where we say goodbye to the support van that we will not see again until the Collado de Montero about 11 km away.
So we enter a beautiful path that soon gives us views of the Tranco de Beas reservoir.
Enjoying these wonderful landscapes we descend through the trees until we reach the ruins of the abandoned village of Agracea where we take a short break ",He continues to report a pilgrim to the Noticias Totana newsroom.
"From here we take a track closed to the passage of vehicles that will take us to the ford of Arroyo Montero, where the road begins to ascend and a little before reaching the long-awaited Collado the slope becomes very strong and affects some pilgrims, but the support van is there and we can hydrate and regain strength.
From here the path is comfortable and downhill and will take us through the town of La Platera to an asphalt road that borders the reservoir and which we continue until we meet the place where the logistics team has planned for lunch, this time a pine grove at the foot of the town of Hornos de Segura, which if the reservoir were at full capacity it would be an island ".From here we take a track closed to the passage of vehicles that will take us to the ford of Arroyo Montero, where the road begins to ascend and that a little before reaching the long-awaited Collado the slope becomes very strong and makes a dent in some pilgrims, but the support van is there and we can hydrate and regain strength.
From here, the path is comfortable and downhill and will take us through the town of La Platera to an asphalt path that borders the reservoir and which we continue until we find the place where the logistics team has planned for lunch, this time a pine grove at the foot of the town of Hornos de Segura, which if the reservoir were at full capacity it would be an island ".From here we take a track closed to the passage of vehicles that will take us to the ford of Arroyo Montero, where the road begins to rise and that a little before reaching the long-awaited Collado the slope becomes very strong and takes a toll on some pilgrims, but the support van is there and we can hydrate and regain strength.
From here, the path is comfortable and downhill and will take us through the town of La Platera to an asphalt path that borders the reservoir and which we continue until we find the place where the logistics team has planned for lunch, this time a pine grove at the foot of the town of Hornos de Segura, which if the reservoir were at full capacity it would be an island ".where the road begins to climb and a little before reaching the long-awaited Collado the slope becomes very strong and makes a dent in some pilgrims, but the support van is there and we can hydrate ourselves and regain strength.
From here, the path is comfortable and downhill and will take us through the town of La Platera to an asphalt path that borders the reservoir and which we continue until we find the place where the logistics team has planned for lunch, this time a pine grove at the foot of the town of Hornos de Segura, which if the reservoir were at full capacity it would be an island ".where the road begins to ascend and a little before reaching the long-awaited Collado the slope becomes very strong and makes a dent in some pilgrims, but the support van is there and we can hydrate ourselves and regain strength.
From here, the path is comfortable and downhill and will take us through the town of La Platera to an asphalt path that borders the reservoir and which we continue until we find the place where the logistics team has planned for lunch, this time a pine grove at the foot of the town of Hornos de Segura, which if the reservoir were at full capacity it would be an island ".From here the path is comfortable and downhill and will take us through the town of La Platera to an asphalt path that borders the reservoir and that we continue until we find the place where the logistics team has planned for lunch, this time a pine grove at the foot of the town of Hornos de Segura, which if the reservoir were at full capacity it would be an island ".From here the path is comfortable and downhill and will take us through the town of La Platera to an asphalt path that borders the reservoir and that we continue until we find the place where the logistics team has planned for lunch, this time a pine grove at the foot of the town of Hornos de Segura, which if the reservoir were at full capacity it would be an island "."As always, the organization and the unsurpassed attention from the logistics team.
After giving a good account of the copious food, there is no choice but to get on the bus since we have about 4 hours back to Totana", he highlights."About 22 km have resulted in which we have used 6 hours 45 minutes".Video: Film stages July 11-12 (in production the film of the stages of the Eulalia road made on July 18 and 19, between Hornos de Segura-Tranco-Villanueva del arzobispo).The stages planned for October are postponed, as reported by the organization.