The Plenary of the Totana City Council agreed last week, in its last ordinary session, unanimously, to request the Government of the Nation to set the VAT taxation of sanitary masks at the super-reduced rate of 4%.Since the state of alarm was declared throughout the Spanish territory on March 14, 2020 due to the COVID-19 infection, measures have been taken to deal with this serious and exceptional situation, with the aim of protecting the health of the citizenship, contain the progression of the disease and strengthen the public health system.Among the measures adopted are hand washing, the use of hydroalcoholic gels, avoiding touching the eyes, nose and mouth, and avoiding direct contact with other people.Regarding the use of masks, the Government of Spain has finally adopted their use as highly recommended in people's daily lives and even mandatory in certain situations.The approved motion, at the initiative of the Popular Group, states that the Government of Spain must consider the VAT reduction to which the masks are subject and that they pay at the super-reduced rate of tax, that is, 4%, so that their acquisition is the least burdensome possible to each and every one of the citizens since, in addition, they are obliged to use it.What is known for sure is that the main form of transmission in which it does so is person to person within a radius of less than 2 meters through the drops contained in expired air that can end up in the mouth or nose of who we have next to us and that after being inhaled reach the lungs.Given these circumstances, the use of masks acquires a fundamental importance, especially when the seroprevalence study that has recently been published says that only 5% of the population is immunized against the coronavirus and its use is not only a method of protection for the person who wears it, but also for all those who interact with it.In the Region of Murcia its use is mandatory.
Although recently the Official State Gazette has collected that until July 31 the masks will be subject to a VAT of 0% when the deliveries are internal or imports and intra-community acquisitions to public entities, non-profit and hospital centers, this measure It is totally insufficient given the new times that are observed to arrive in our most immediate horizon since they leave the citizenship out of this decision, according to the approved motion.The masks have been shown as a true and efficient defense against the coronavirus, an essential preventive measure in the fight against Covid-19 that is already part of the daily life of Spaniards and that, in no case, should be considered as a luxury, but as a product of first necessity because, in fact, its non-use carries a penalty.