| The Budget of a City Council includes the forecast of expenses and income that are expected to be carried out over a year (1 January to December 31) | As of July 21, 2020, we know nothing of the preparation of the 2020 budget for the operation of the City Council, so we request that the writing of the 2021 budget begin. The Popular Party requests the Mayor to start working on the drafting of the 2021 BUDGET since it has not yet been able to approve the 2020 budget. The municipal budget is a document that includes the forecast of expenses and income that is assumed to be carried out over a year (from January 1 to December 31). The budget is the socio-economic roadmap to be developed during its execution and where the political priorities of the municipal governments are translated when establishing what is spent, how much and how that expense (income) is. The structure of municipal budgets according to law regulates that they must be approved the year prior to their development. Currently the Totana City Council lacks annual public accounts, working with the budgets carried over from the previous year, a habit acquired since the last legislature, only passing what was executed at the end of the year. The Municipal People's Group demanded and fully obtained the Mayor's commitment to prepare the 2020 budget together with the other political groups almost a year ago. On January 14, the Municipal People's Group requested again and in writing to the Mayor that it would urgently convene the Finance Commission in the sessions that were convenient for the preparation of the 2020 Budget by all the Political Groups that make up the Municipal Corporation. The null will and inability of the Mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas, to prepare and approve the accounts for the current year, despite having hired "by finger" a company for the preparation of the 2020 budget for € 16,940.00. Having passed a more than sufficient period to have current budgets that reflect the priorities of our neighbors and taking into account that work must be done on the public accounts for the year 2021, the Municipal People's Group requests that the drafting work be started.
, which we will request before the ordinary plenary session of this month of July.