| "Measures for the recovery of spaces and streets for people are being carried out in all towns and represent a reactivation for trade, caring for the environment and preventing the Covid-19 "pandemic | After the urgent motion of the full past that paralyzed the pedestrianization measures in the center of the population, with the votes of the PP and the Extreme Right and the collaborating abstention of the PSOE in which the possibility of adopting measures that from the Ministry of Health is being urged to the City Councils, we call for reflection to parties like PSOE and PP that have had government responsibilities and have said to defend the pedestrianization measures in the Center of Totana.In 2006, the Popular Party in the Local Government approved a Mobility Study, which included recommendations and proposals for pedestrianization, carried out by the Local Police in the Center of Totana.
Study that in 9 years with absolute majorities did not even try to carry out.
In Electoral Programs and public interventions, the PSOE is an advocate of pedestrianization measures that when it has the opportunity, governing that area from 2015 to 2019 does not take a single step to gain space for people who walk through a town of narrow streets and tiny sidewalks.When Ganar Totana IU tries to advance in measures that tend to equalize us with other towns, PP and PSOE join, creating a Pedestrianization Commission in the Plenary to which in almost a year they have not contributed a single proposal or measure, nor giving their opinion on the Commission on the actions that the Councilor for Urban Planning and the Environment has proposed in specific cases, such as the Population Center, Glorieta de Cruz de Hortelanos or Plaza de Francisco Palao in El Ramblar.
Creating Commissions so that nothing advances, does not seem a serious attitude of parties that have the vocation and experience of Government.In times of danger due to the Coronavirus, all the municipalities of the Region, promoted by the Ministry of Health, adopt measures that they intend to block in Totana, when they want to start a process that protects citizens and reactivates businesses and hospitality in a people in need of those measures.We recognize that the changes, when the circulation of polluting vehicles is restricted, are rejected at first by neighbors or some businesses.
When they are consolidated, they are normalized and they do not go back, as is the case of the pedestrianization of a part of the Plaza de la Constitución carried out at the beginning of this legislature.
A town, 2 kilometers long, flat in its orography, is not a problem that people get used to walking because "in Totana, there are no distances."From Ganar Totana IU, we urge the PP and PSOE to collaborate with the Municipal Government and contribute ideas that are not blocking to make our town a pleasant place to walk and enjoy our streets and squares at a time when the Environmental Protection and, in addition, it will be a boost for the Local Economy and Commerce.