"Totana: the dark abode of Covid19"


It has been a long time since we have been saying that Totana is changing, it was not clear to us if the objective was to transform it into a dormitory city, or to return to being the prosperous and dynamic city of many years ago.

We are realizing that, step by step, the objective seems to be another: a dead city, zombie, ghost, no matter the name.

Is the dream of some a Totana without life, without joy, a city without soul and empty?Well it seems that they are succeeding.

We have been 2 weeks, yes, 2 weeks, being headline in the news, talk shows, and Radio programs saying that here is an epidemic outbreak of high contagion.

As if in Totana there were 300 zombie neighbors infecting right and left.

All for not counting what really happens: Patera houses with overcrowded immigrants while vultures rent rooms such houses in which more than a dozen people from different families live together, some scavengers who take advantage of social conditions, and they " they steal "with total impunity part of the wages they earn with dignity in the field.

Conditions that have been denounced many times and in which those who had to take measures in this regard, and who give them to them from social, look the other way.This type of situation occurs in many populations in the region, but it is easier to put a blindfold, or not want to see the root of the problem, because it is already known that "Eyes that do not see heart that does not feel", although Of course, those who do not want to see, spend the day hitting each other, saying that they are always there "For the social".In short, the problem of "high contagion" is not health, it is social, of awareness, perhaps also of public order, and while some do not want to recognize where the problem is, it will be difficult for infections to reach zero, because for some to become aware they need to be able to at least have a decent place to live and a piece of bread to put in their mouths, and they will do whatever it takes to get it, their lives are going for it, and therefore, they don't care about dying for the coronavirus to starve.

Totana: the dark abode of Covid19, Foto 1

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