The Ministry of Education and Culture has already announced the dining room and school transport grants for the next academic year 2020/21


| To make the dining room scholarships more accessible to more than 5,000 students, the income thresholds have been increased | More than 500 families will be eligible for aid for school transportation, ranging from 240 to 959 euros per student, depending on the distance between the home and the educational centerThe Ministry of Education and Culture has published the calls for aid for school canteen and transportation, respectively, for the next course.

In this way, the Community will allocate about 4,100,000 euros to the families of students requesting school lunch assistance, known colloquially as scholarship grants.The investment made in this complementary service, in order to fully cover the menu of the beneficiary students during the 178 school days of the school year, will allow nearly 5,000 students to receive this aid.During this course, a total of 4,731 students have been beneficiaries of the canteen aid, in the 238 school canteens of the Infant and Primary schools in the Region of Murcia.

Likewise, the students enrolled in Special Education centers and students transported from ordinary centers that are beneficiaries of the school canteen should be added. The Ministry of Education and Culture favors that the students of centers that do not have a sufficient number of diners to be able to have their own school canteen service can attend another nearby center where they receive the benefit.Therefore, there will be 6,200 students who access a school menu in the dining rooms of the Early Childhood and Primary Education centers and Special Education centers during the next academic year 2020-2021.Regarding individualized aid to school transport, they are intended to collaborate in the expenses of moving students from public centers who are studying compulsory education and who do not have a public educational center in their town that is appropriate for the studies they must take and do not You can use the school transport routes that the Ministry of Education contracts for this purpose each year.This course 474 grants were awarded for an amount of 200,000 euros and for the next academic year 2020-2021 the investment in these grants will increase to 212,532 euros, with which it is calculated that it will benefit more than 500 families.The aid, which is granted based on the distance between the family home and the educational center, ranges from 240 euros to 959 euros per student and year.

Likewise, as in previous courses, students of the second cycle of Early Childhood Education are incorporated as recipients of these grants, since, despite not being compulsory education, the Community is committed to its generalization in the schooling of students.

The Ministry of Education and Culture has already announced the dining room and school transport grants for the next academic year 2020/21, Foto 1
The Ministry of Education and Culture has already announced the dining room and school transport grants for the next academic year 2020/21, Foto 2

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