The extraordinary plenary session will debate tomorrow the municipal aid measures proposed to alleviate the crisis of COVID-19 in Totana


| The plenary hall will only allow access to the 21 members of the municipal Corporation, the Secretary and the only means of communication accredited to distribute the signal | The municipal plenary session of the Totana City Council debates tomorrow, at 8:00 p.m., in an extraordinary session, the municipal aid measures proposed to alleviate the COVID-19 crisis in the municipality of Totana, on which they have been working in recent years.

weeks both in the Board of Spokespersons and in the Informative Commissions held.The agenda includes more than twenty proposals with the initiatives suggested by the different municipal political groups, although in the last Information Commission on the Internal Regime and Finance it was agreed to unify criteria and withdraw some of the motions presented during this time.In this sense, the Mayor's proposals are collected in order to formalize the loan operation within the scope of the Management Fund of article 39.1.

A and B of Royal Decree 17/2014 of December 26 on financial sustainability measures of the Autonomous Communities and local entities for the needs of 2020; and another on approval of the extraordinary credit budget modification file, nº 1 a / 2020, in current budget, extended 2019.Also included is the joint motion of the municipal groups of Ganar Totana-IU, Partido Popular, Partido Socialista Obrero Español, and Mixed Group made up of the “Ahora Totana” Platform and Citizens on the crisis of COVID-19 in this municipality.In addition, the motions presented by the Municipal People's Group for the reduction of Value Added Tax (VAT) to the hairdressing sector from 21% to 10% are included; and to work on expanding the existing terraces so that the hospitality industry has an increase in resources to face the reopening.The PP also proposes a motion for the flags to fly at half-staff in municipal buildings as a sign of solidarity and mourning for those who died due to the COVID-19 pandemic; and another to establish an Aid Plan to act against the social and economic crisis generated as a consequence of the pandemic.Another motion of the Municipal Popular Group raised to the Plenary refers to the increase in the economic contribution of the agreement between Cáritas and the Totana City Council; as well as another proposal to urge the municipal government to declare official mourning in the municipality as a sign of mourning and respect for the neighbors killed by COVID-19.The agenda includes other PP motions to urgently prepare a development plan and new design for the weekly market, complying with the guidelines and recommendations of the Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Health; and increase the budget line corresponding to the Civil Protection subsidy.For its part, the Vox Municipal Group requests that the institutional flags in public buildings be flown at half-staff in honor and remembrance of those who died from the COVID-19 coronavirus and that a minute of silence be observed at the start of the plenary session; and on vox actions at the territorial level in relation to nursing homes.In addition, another motion of the Municipal Group Vox refers to the modification art.

3.1 of the current tax ordinance of the Tax on the Increase in the Value of Urban Land (capital gains); as well as the suspension of aid or subsidy to unions, business organizations, foundations, etc., except those linked to social purposes and intended for those affected by COVID-19.The agenda includes the motion presented by Vox on Royal Decree-Law 8/2020, of March 17, on extraordinary urgent measures to face the economic and social impact of COVID-19.Likewise, the proposals of the Civil Platform "Now Totana" are included, requesting the Government of Spain that the remaining treasury be used to alleviate COVID-19 effects; and other initiatives so that they are valued by the municipal government team in order to alleviate as far as possible the negative effects that the population is suffering, as well as the hoteliers, merchants and businessmen in general of Totana due to the coronavirus pandemic.Lastly, the agenda closes with the proposal by Ciudadanos for a municipal shock plan to mitigate the consequences of COVID-19.

Some of these proposals have finally been unified in order to streamline the debate and improve, in summary, the municipal plenary agreements.

The extraordinary plenary session will debate tomorrow the municipal aid measures proposed to alleviate the crisis of COVID-19 in Totana, Foto 1

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