The Department of Sports reopens the municipal outdoor sports facilities from Monday May 18 by mandatory appointment


The management of the reserves will be centralized by the Department of Sports by compulsory appointment; and for payment the deposit will be chosen in ATM or bank transferThe Department of Sports will reopen starting this Monday, May 18, the municipal outdoor sports facilities by appointment, by virtue of the resolution of the Mayor's Office decreed; and with all the security and hygiene measures established by the health authorities.The sports facilities are as follows:- MUNICIPAL SPORTS CENTER “6 DE DICIEMBRE”, with prior reservation and on Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 16:00 to 21:00 and Saturdays from 08:00 to 13:00 and from 16:00 to 21:00 hours.- “VALVERDE REINA” SPORTS CITY, with prior reservation and on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 16:00 to 21:00.- SPORTS COMPLEX "VALLE GUADALENTÍN", with prior reservation and on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday from 16:00 to 21:00.In this way, the aforementioned sports facilities will be opened to carry out sports activities with the limitations set forth in the state of alarm regulations, and any citizen who wishes to carry out a sports practice, including athletes from high level, high performance, professionals, federated, referees or judges and federative technical personnel.In this regard, it should be noted that any open-air infrastructure is considered to be any open-air sports facility, regardless of whether it is located in a closed or open area, that lacks a roof and walls simultaneously, and that allows the practice of a modality sports-pools and water areas are excluded from the provisions of this article.In addition, before the reopening of the facility, cleaning and disinfection will be carried out, and the sports activity will necessarily require a prior appointment with the facility's managing entity.

To do this, time shifts will be organized, outside of which you will not be able to stay at the facility.In outdoor sports facilities, individual sports may be allowed or those practices that can be carried out by a maximum of two people in the case of modalities thus practiced, always without physical contact, maintaining the appropriate security and protection measures, and in any case the social safety distance of two meters. Likewise, the limit of thirty percent of capacity for sports use in each facility will be respected, both in terms of access and during the practice itself, enabling an access system that prevents the accumulation of people and that complies with the safety and health protection measures.Only a coach will be able to access with athletes if necessary, a circumstance that must be duly accredited, with the exception of persons with disabilities or minors who require the presence of a companion.The facilities will also be cleaned and disinfected.

Likewise, at the end of each shift, the common areas will be cleaned and, on each shift, the shared material must be cleaned and disinfected after each use.

At the end of the day, the facility will be cleaned again, reducing the permanence of the staff to the minimum number sufficient for the adequate provision of the service.In any case, the owners of the facility must comply with the basic standards of sanitary protection of the Ministry of Health.

If other activities are carried out in the sports facility, or other non-sports additional services are provided, they must comply with the specific regulations that correspond in each case.Obligatory appointmentIn order to access the facilities, a prior reservation protocol will be established by phone at 968 422412, Monday through Friday, from 9:00 a.m.

to 1:00 p.m.

and it can be booked with a maximum of 24 hours in advance.Reservations for Saturdays at the Municipal Sports Center "December 6" will be made the previous Friday, and face-to-face reservations will not be accepted.

The management of the reserves will be centralized by the Department of Sports; and for payment the deposit will be chosen in an ATM or bank transfer.Note.- Attached is a document of reservation schedules and rates, general guidelines, reservation capacity and access protocols to the facility

The Department of Sports reopens the municipal outdoor sports facilities from Monday May 18 by mandatory appointment, Foto 1
The Department of Sports reopens the municipal outdoor sports facilities from Monday May 18 by mandatory appointment, Foto 2
The Department of Sports reopens the municipal outdoor sports facilities from Monday May 18 by mandatory appointment, Foto 3

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