| Entities that during this COVID-19 Crisis have been paying close attention to vulnerable people and covering health and social aspects, where the City Council cannot reach | The Popular Party of Totana requests the plenary to increase the budget item that is currently granted through a grant to Civil Protection and through an Agreement to the two Caritas of the Municipality.Since March 14, the Spanish have been in a state of alarm, established by the Government of Spain, days in which the COVID 19 crisis has left very complicated situations in the municipalities of Spain.It has been a crisis for which we were not prepared, a health crisis that we could not have thought about at the present time that we lived, in which we believed that we lived protected, but where we have realized that we are very vulnerable, that a country can stop working overnight and there may come a time, that despite having one of the best health systems in the world we can see ourselves collapsed.We have to recognize that a very essential work in the fight against this terrible pandemic has been carried out by Healthcare, Bodies and State Security Forces, Local Police and Civil Protection, in addition to the great mention that entities whose object is the carrying out charitable and social action through the Church in Spain, such as Caritas, promoting the integral development of people and peoples, especially the poorest and most excluded.During these moments of uncertainty, fear, overwhelming society, economic attack on the most vulnerable groups, these services have been fighting from the first day at the foot of the canyon, to be able to provide citizens with the best means despite the unprecedented situation we were experiencing.We want in this motion to highlight the great work carried out by Totana Civil Protection and by Caritas de las Tres Avemarías and Caritas Santiago, and which continue to do so.They have been attending to the most vulnerable people from the first moment, they have supported groups that were saturated and needed their help, they have watched over the safety of the residents of the municipality, they have done their bit to encourage young and old.
in moments of desolation and uncertainty, in short, they have shown once again that they have been there for when Totana needs them.Totana civil protection receives a grant from the City Council for maintenance and carry out its function.During the moments that we have gone through, they have had to implement many actions and therefore they have had to face all of this, so we consider it appropriate that this budget item of the subsidy be increased sufficiently by the City Council so that They can carry out their magnificent work throughout the rest of the year, which we do not know how to plan.Regarding Cáritas, the Totana City Council has an annual collaboration framework agreement and is currently in force with the two Caritas of the municipality, whose purpose is to collaborate in the expenses derived from the support that these entities provide.
to the most needy population of Totana.It has been an unprecedented situation and the entities are being overwhelmed, it is also expected that this situation will increase the cases that must be attended by Cáritas and that is why the Popular Party of Totana asks the City Council to take carry out a modification of the existing Agreement and increase it so that they can face the services they offer to the population and where the City Council cannot reach.It is recognized that in these moments in which the City Council is overwhelmed when it comes to responding to both open fronts that entities and organizations such as Civil Protection and Caritas have developed it, but we must consider that an important part of the year remains and They must have a budget to continue giving answers.