The Ministry of Finance authorizes the City Council to formalize expenses, charged to the Contingency Fund for an amount of 300,000 euros


| To help the sectors most affected by the pandemic | This line of subsidies will be channeled by virtue of rules that will regulate the granting of aid to companies affected by the temporary suspension of their activityIt responds to the efforts of the Mayor's Office with the Ministry that have borne fruit and will allow to reactivate, in part, the economic situation of many companiesThe Ministry of Finance and Public Administrations today authorized the City Council of Totana to formalize expenses from the Contingency Fund amounting to 300,000 euros, aimed at helping and alleviating the economic and social damage caused to the most affected sectors of the population of this locality as a result of the pandemic by COVID-19 in order to promote its economic and social revival.This measure comes to respond to the request of the Mayor's Office processed two weeks ago before the Minister María Jesús Montero, which will allow the arbitration of the concession of a line of subsidies and aid mechanisms to self-employed, micro, and SMEs in Totana affected by the socioeconomic crisis.

that this epidemic has brought about.The mayor, Juan José Cánovas, is going to raise a motion to the plenary to make use of the aforementioned Contingency Fund provided for in the current municipal budget, extended in 2019, promoting the pertinent modification of the necessary credit, with a credit of 300,000 euros for expenses derived from this crisis.In addition, the Mayor's proposal includes the scaling procedure of the call for aid to companies in Totana in order to help facilitate the fulfillment of their business obligations, the maintenance of activity and employment in this municipality.This line of subsidies will be channeled by virtue of some rules that will regulate the granting of aid to companies that have been seriously affected by the damages caused by the suspension of their activity and the damages that were associated with the declaration of the state of alarm, in some cases, aggravated by the complicated economic situation that was already dragging down some sectors prior to this crisis.Juan José Cánovas has delivered all the documentation to the municipal political groups during the Board of Spokespersons held this afternoon.The aid will consist of a fixed amount of up to 1,000 euros for companies, individuals (self-employed) and legal entities (companies), with or without dependent workers, when the activity they carry out has been affected by the closure of establishments in the framework of the state of alarm decreed by the coronavirus.In addition, aid of up to 700 euros will be arbitrated in the case of companies, individuals or legal entities, with or without dependent workers, who have not been affected by the closure of establishments, as long as they have suffered a reduction in their turnover.

in the month prior to the application for this subsidy of at least 75%, in relation to the average carried out in the natural semester prior to the declaration of the state of alarm.When the natural or legal person does not register the 6 calendar months required to prove the reduction in income, the assessment will be carried out taking into account the period of activity.Similarly, aid of up to 1,000 euros will be granted to companies, individuals or legal entities in the potters and artisans sector, with or without dependent workers, who have not been affected by the closure of establishments, but given the special crisis conditions in the sector have voluntarily ceased their activity as a result and after the declaration of the state of alarm.Likewise, the aid of 1,000 and 700 euros mentioned above will be increased by up to another 300 euros in the case of having up to 9 workers - even-; and up to 700 euros in case of having from 10 to 49 workers -even-, as of March 1, 2020.The standard application model and the bases for obtaining the subsidies regulated in this call will be available on the municipal website once the Plenary Session has given the green light to this proposal from the Mayor's Office.The mayor has stressed that this item is open and expandable; and he recalled that to this important figure, which has been achieved thanks to the fruitful negotiations with the Ministry and the result of good management during 2019, 130,700 euros are added to provide social coverage to the most vulnerable groups in the municipality due to the pandemic .The first mayor has shown his satisfaction at the fact that the negotiations have made it possible to have an economic endowment, as was our intention, in order to alleviate or give partial coverage to the professional sectors that are paying the most for the consequences of this crisis for the COVID-19.Likewise, he has stated that, in this time, he has been attending to the most immediate vicissitudes caused by the health crisis without ignoring the economic problems of companies and the productive fabric, such as potters, artisans, merchants and hoteliers; as well as families at risk of social exclusion.The General Law of Budgetary Stability offers this tool of the Contingency Fund of budgetary execution to the municipalities, whose allocation for expenses must be made, provided that it was not foreseen in the municipal budget with an unavoidable execution, and to attend to needs of a non-discretionary nature, not being able to delay until the next exercise.In short, these are expenses that are unforeseen, cannot be postponed and are not discretionary, for which there is no budgetary credit or the amount provided is insufficient.In any case, once this proposal is approved by the Plenary, information of general interest will be given in detail and in detail, regarding the requirements of the beneficiaries, concurrence with other subsidies, term and form of presentation of applications, documentation to provide, instruction procedure, obligations of the beneficiary persons or entities and payment or reimbursement of aid, among other matters.

The Ministry of Finance authorizes the City Council to formalize expenses, charged to the Contingency Fund for an amount of 300,000 euros, Foto 1

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