The mayor holds a telematic meeting with the heads of the veterinary clinics in Totana


| To meet their needs and address the health crisis from their professional perspective | The mayor, Juan José Cánovas, has recently held a telematic meeting with the different managers of the veterinary clinics in Totana in order to know first-hand their needs and collect their opinion about the approach to the health crisis from their professional perspective in this municipality.The first mayor wanted to know how his work activity is developing and how it is affecting them and the services provided under the legal regulations of the state of alarm.Veterinary centers in the Region of Murcia are considered as health centers, and therefore have been keeping their services and their doors open at regular hours since the start of the pandemic, basically at the level of primary care and food.

The veterinarians of the totaneras clinics were put at the disposal of the City Council before the crisis of COVID-19 to cooperate and help the tasks entrusted to them.Veterinarians reviewed with the first mayor some of the recommendations to be given to users or pet owners during this time.

In this regard, it is communicated that the protocol of their centers has been to not attend any case, unless it is considered an emergency, without an appointment and once the client comes to the center, he will be instructed to wait outside the clinic and that You will be notified when it is your turn.Outside the clinic, warn that they do not meet less than a meter away or form groups; and in the case of access to the waiting room, it must be restricted, by telephone appointment, and with a maximum of people allowed depending on the capacity of the same and respecting at least one meter of distance between the attendees.On the other hand, people who enter the room because it is their turn, should not sit in the chairs and if they did, they should do so alternating chairs (one chair yes and another no); Each animal will be accompanied by a single person and the owner will not enter the treatment room, unless unavoidable, by previously providing a mask and hydroalcoholic gel for hand cleaning; and in the case of entered animals, the veterinarian decides when the owner can access and will apply the indicated hygiene measures.Veterinarians remember that owners of animals with symptoms should not go to the clinic; They will call by phone and the vet will indicate how to act depending on the pathology of the animal.

For this reason, they ask for extreme hygiene measures in the clinic facilities, especially in areas of common use, handles, doors or keyboards.They also offer general measures such as frequent hand washing and also after touching an animal.

These can be carriers of the virus through the droplets on their fur having been in contact with infected people; social distancing; cover your elbow when you cough or sneeze and wash your hands afterward; do not touch eyes, nose or mouth; avoid public transport or crowds.During street trips, it is recommended that pets not go loose on public roads and do not interact with other people, that extreme cleaning of feces and urine is carried out and that the legs of animals are cleaned at home.

ride back (no bleach).In addition, it is advocated that pets continue with the same routines as before the epidemic and that they are not accustomed badly because they can be affected if unhealthy habits are generated.The mayor explained that veterinary clinics also deserve social recognition and regretted that these toilets have not been properly treated by the Government, since veterinarians are considered essential during the state of alarm and have continued to provide their services, but not They are part of the scientific-technical committee that advises on the coronavirus despite its great global work in controlling disease transmission.

The mayor holds a telematic meeting with the heads of the veterinary clinics in Totana, Foto 1

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