Today April 9, 2020 is a very marked date for the Brotherhood of Santa María Cleofé and Coronation of Thorns, since the name of its owner (Santa María Cleofé) coincides with Holy Thursday.
This is an exceptional coincidence, since in fact it will not be repeated until 2093.
For this reason, it was expected that the image of Santa María Cleofé, in her blue dress, would parade this Holy Thursday night instead of on the morning of Good Friday as usual, the Coronation of Thorns going to parade Good Friday by the morning.
Likewise, it was planned that on Holy Thursday morning the image of Santa María Cleofé would be transferred instead of the Coronation of Thorns.
Due to the coronavirus health crisis, it finally will not be possible, and precisely from the Brotherhood they have released a video, which includes photos from, featuring a poem.
Finally, from the Brotherhood they congratulate "their Cleofé" for their Saint and all the Cleofés.