The Region celebrates the "I Conference on Erasmus + experiences"


The director of the European Union, Juan José Martínez Lozano, today inaugurated the 'I Erasmus + Conference' that brought together teachers from centers throughout the Region that explained their experiences at the IES Juan de la Cierva and Codorníu de Totana.

These centers participate together with other Europeans in strategic partnership projects in the field of school education, according to sources from the regional government in a statement.

Specifically, the IES Juan de la Cierva and Codorníu participates in two projects, 'The inclusive school: we made an escape room', which transfers the mechanics and dynamics of the game to the educational field and 'Tell me in another way', where they develop the potential Students' linguistic language in their mother tongue, in written and oral form, their first and second foreign language, as well as other communication channels with society.

In the picture, the general director of the European Union, Juan Jose Martinez Lozano (d), the mayor of Totana, Juan José Cánovas (c) and the director of the center (d), in the aforementioned I Erasmus conference

The Region celebrates the "I Conference on Erasmus + experiences", Foto 1
The Region celebrates the "I Conference on Erasmus + experiences", Foto 2

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