The six councilors who make up the municipal government of Totana will sign and make public their face-to-face schedule at the City Council as a measure of transparency


They will also announce their remuneration on the municipal corporate website every month

The six councilors of Ganar Totana-IU that make up the municipal government of Totana have begun this week that ends signing in the device of registration of face-to-face control of the City Council, just as they do daily municipal employees;

and they will make it public every month on the municipal website as a “measure of transparency with citizens”.

The governors of the Government team, both those who have exclusive dedication and those who do not, will “ticate” their fingerprint reader to their work day at the Totanero Consistory of entry and exit so that the neighbors know firsthand the hourly records computed by their represented.

This was announced by the mayor, Juan Jos Cnovas, who was the first to activate the system of signing with a footprint, and highlights that this measure is a pioneer in the municipalities of the Region of Murcia.

In addition, he argues that public offices "cannot be exempt from being held accountable for the work they do, and we have self-imposed so that the work that each one performs is seen."

The municipal corporate website will be aware, together with the hourly control of the members of the municipal government, the allocations and remuneration that they receive for their institutional performance each month under the recent full agreement approved in this regard for this term.

After the plenary agreement, the mayor and councilors Agustn Gonzalo Martnez Hernndez, Javier Baos Tudela and Pedro Jos Snchez Prez have been released;

while, for the moment, Vernica Carricondo Gzquez and Inmaculada Blzquez Acosta do not.

The mayor recalls that the government team does not have any fixed work agenda by law, but “we will mark at least 35 and a half hours of the officials as face-to-face hours;

and from there up, depending on the volume of work there is, plus the dedication of acts during weekends that will not be recorded.

To achieve the objectives and results in political management, dedication is fundamental ”.

The first mayor stresses that it is a measure that aims to set an example to the neighbors;

and although “we understand that spending more hours is not synonymous with productivity, we want Totana's neighbors to see that we come to work as much as is necessary, in their favor and in the general interest, despite the circumstances imposed by opposition groups. "

The mayor had publicly denounced, days ago, a “strategy of strangulation” to the municipal government by the municipal opposition groups, regretting that this legislature had increased the allowances for full assistance up to 73% and, on the contrary , the salary of the councilors with exclusive dedication is reduced by 19%.

Juan Jos Cnovas had shown his dissatisfaction with the fact that the Working Party and the Plenary determined the remuneration and allowances for assistance to collegiate bodies “against the criteria of the Mayor's Office by legal imperative, without agreeing with its content. "

The six councilors who make up the municipal government of Totana will sign and make public their face-to-face schedule at the City Council as a measure of transparency, Foto 1
The six councilors who make up the municipal government of Totana will sign and make public their face-to-face schedule at the City Council as a measure of transparency, Foto 2
The six councilors who make up the municipal government of Totana will sign and make public their face-to-face schedule at the City Council as a measure of transparency, Foto 3

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