The Local Government Board has requested from the Regional Employment and Training Service (SEF) the Joint Employment-Training Program called "Social and Health Care for Dependents in Social Institutions", for an amount of 298,261.80 euros.
This petition is made in view of the order of January 31, 2019 of the General Directorate of the Regional Employment and Training Service, which gives instructions regarding the execution, monitoring, control and evaluation of actions related to Mixed Programs of Employment and Training (PMEF).
The Department of Youth and Economic Development has as a priority objective the professional qualification of unemployed in Totana, as well as the insertion or reintegration of these people into the labor world, offering adequate training to the conditions of the labor market.
One of the purposes of these programs is to improve occupability, through their participation in temporary projects for the realization of works or services of public or social utility that allow labor insertion through the professionalization and acquisition of experience of Participants