Two agents of the Local Police of Totana attended last morning, on public roads, a delivery of a baby that came with a circular cord, a complication that occurs when the umbilical cord is wrapped around the neck of the newborn.
The relief event took place after the neighbors gave notice that a woman was desperately calling for help on the street, with loud shrieks, at the pain caused by the continuous contractions, according to sources from the Headquarters.
The events took place at 3:10 p.m. last morning in the Alamo street of this town, when two agents had to attend to the woman, accompanied by her partner, both of Maghreb origin, while waiting in the same way for the arrival of health services.
Due to the time elapsed in the displacement of the emergency services from the Emergency Department, the agents had to be employed and help the woman who was at the door of the building waiting for the ambulance to arrive, with the presence of numerous curious doors and balconies of neighboring homes.
Local Police agents introduced the woman to the portal of the same and, using sheets and blankets that her partner got off the floor where they resided, they placed her on the floor and helped and reassured her in the delivery.
According to the same police sources, the woman gave birth before the health services arrived following the advice of the agents (one of them women) since she was in an advanced state of dilation and with strong, long-lasting contractions and followed without hardly timeslots;
which enabled, with just three or four pushes, the expulsion of the placenta and the hurried exit of the baby.
The agents had to remove the umbilical cord that was oppressing his neck when he pulled out his head, whose birth occurred almost without delay and after following the mother's instructions on breathing and muscle recovery, who was also first-time.
Apparently, the baby was not breathing for a few moments until the happy outcome occurred, according to the police, who wrapped the baby and placed a small cap that his mother had prepared for the transfer, until the health professionals stabilized them.
When the medical services arrived, a few minutes later and since the events happened at high speed, the baby was already born;
Therefore, both were transferred to the “Rafael Méndez” hospital in order to provide assistance and provide more detailed health follow-up.
According to the same police sources, both the mother (Sara) and the baby (Adam) have spent a day without complications in the hospital and will be discharged in the next few days if the recovery of both develops normally.