The Plenary approves initially the general budget of the City Council and municipal societies for the year 2019 amounting to 32.2 million euros


The Plenary approved last night initially, with the votes in favor of Win Totana-IU and the PSOE, the abstention of the PP, Vox and Now Totana and against C's, the proposal of the Mayor's Office regarding the general budget of the City Council of Totana and the municipal companies for the year 2019, as well as the bases of execution of the same and the staff of personnel for this exercise that amounts to 32.2 million euros.

The Consistory totanero must submit to prior and binding report of the Ministry of Finance and Public Administration the approval of municipal budgets, as provided in Royal Decree 8/2013, of June 28, of urgent measures against late payment of those of public administrations and support to local entities with financial problems.

The consolidated budget (Totana City Council, CEDETO and PROINVITOSA) that is presented amounts, more specifically, to 32,272,262.95 euros in the income statement and 31,872,262.95 in the expense statement;

consequently, this has a surplus of 400,000 euros, applying a reduction in operating expenses of 3% compared to the budget extended for the year 2018.

This budget surplus forecast for 400,000 euros is due to the fact that the 2019 budget has been prepared in accordance with the indications established by the Ministry on compliance with the budgetary leveling of income and current expenses plus financial debt amortization expenses;

In addition to having a positive balance in current operations that allows to absorb the balance due to the return of undue income from the 2018 budget settlement.

In global terms, the expenditure budget decreases 0.57% due to the restrictions imposed by the Ministry of Finance, which implies in absolute terms a decrease in initial loans of 169,749.67 euros.

On the other hand, the expected revenues have an increase of 0.78% and an amount of 230,250.33 euros of increase.

The total amount of investments to be made by the City Council, chapters 6 and 7 will increase by 7.30% from 1,686,313.11 euros to 1,809,457.77 euros, assuming an increase of 123.14.66 euros, adaptation of investments for the operation of basic services networks water supply, sanitation, roads, investments in infrastructure refills.

The Personnel chapter has increased by 0.60% due to the fact that the provisions on labor and remuneration in the public sector have been taken into account for the revaluation of public pensions and other urgent measures in social, labor and social matters. of employment.

Regarding chapter 2 of expenses in current goods and services, it has been subject to a significant reduction following the considerations in this regard of the Ministry, up to a forecast of 11,273,158.40 euros, adequate to cover the operation of the various Municipal services currently developed, all based on the contracted benefits.

On the other hand, Financial expenses (Chapter 3) increased 25.64%, mainly due to the expenses necessary to cover the amortization tables for long-term operations to meet existing formalized loans and with the Management Fund ;

as well as an increase in interest for the payment of judicial sentences and part of late payment interests, especially with the Commonwealth of the Taibilla Channels.

With regard to Current Transfers cChapter 4) it decreases 0.15% if it continues with the policies initiated in previous exercises of allocation of subsidies to social groups of the municipality, mainly to groups of people in disadvantaged situations both at socioeconomic level and at health level and culture

Also, this chapter also includes contributions from the City Council to the associations of which it is part and the Firefighting Consortium, as well as the provision for imbalances for the provision of the service of the municipal pool, agreement for the Intermodal Station , increase grant Illustrious Cabildo Processions with respect to the previous year and the Musical Association of Totana to help in compensation with the retirement of the director of the Academy of Music, as more significant notes.

In relation to the Contingency Fund (Chapter 5), as a result of the mandatory guidelines imposed by the Ministry of Finance, 1% must be provided resulting from the sum of the non-financial expenses.

On the other hand, capital operations (chapters 6 and 7) have increased investments by 7.30%;

while in the case of financial operations (chapters 8 and 9) the forecasts have been maintained with respect to the last budget, since financial operations subscribed within the scope of the Management Funds have included periods of lack of capital amortization.

Likewise, Direct Taxes (Chapter 1) are increased by a percentage of 0.50%, given that these forecasts have been made taking into account only the amount of the standards for the tax concepts of IBI, IAE and IVTM, that is to say without take into account possible additional settlements.

To increase the value of urban land - the old capital gains - the indications made by the Ministry of Finance have been followed, this being the average net income of the last two years.

On the other hand, in the Indirect Taxes (Chapter 2) there is no variation whatsoever, the amount being 119,466.37 euros;

while in Chapter 3, the rates, public prices and other items included, do decrease by 1.64%, all regulated by the indications of the ministerial report received.

In relation to the Ordinance Fund, the proposal of the Mayor's Office, reflects that the City Council's adherence to these financing mechanisms allows the payment of the majority of long-term financial operations that are currently in force.

However, the cost of access to this financing mechanism is high since it implies accepting conditions from the Ministry of Finance and Public Function that limit the ceiling of expenditure of the municipal budget and comply with the measures approved in the Adjustment Plans to those submitted by the City Council to correct existing economic imbalances.

Likewise, it is stressed that the 2019 budget is conditioned on the one hand by the reduced sufficiency that this municipal government has in its preparation, given the conditions to which this City Council is subject by the General State Administration;

and on the other, due to the deficient financing from the Autonomous Community in relation to those improper competences that are currently being assumed by this Entity, thus limiting the spending programs that could be developed in the municipal own competences.

The Plenary approves initially the general budget of the City Council and municipal societies for the year 2019 amounting to 32.2 million euros, Foto 1
The Plenary approves initially the general budget of the City Council and municipal societies for the year 2019 amounting to 32.2 million euros, Foto 2
The Plenary approves initially the general budget of the City Council and municipal societies for the year 2019 amounting to 32.2 million euros, Foto 3
The Plenary approves initially the general budget of the City Council and municipal societies for the year 2019 amounting to 32.2 million euros, Foto 4
The Plenary approves initially the general budget of the City Council and municipal societies for the year 2019 amounting to 32.2 million euros, Foto 5

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