Last Thursday, May 16, ten students of Middle Level Training Cycles of the IES Prado Mayor de Totana , participants of the ERASMUS + Project, left for part of the FCT Module (Training in Centers) for a month, in Rimini (Italy). of Work), abroad.
With these students traveled a teacher / tutor of the Center, who will stay a week with them in the country of destination, to present them in companies, install them in their residence and solve any adaptation problems that may arise during the first days of stay in the Italian city.
On this occasion, three students from the Electric and Automatic Installations Cycle traveled, three students from the Administrative Management Cycle and four students from the Hairdressing and Hair Cosmetics Cycle.
The students, apart from carrying out their training practices, have scheduled several cultural visits, including Venice and San Marino.
They are very happy, motivated and grateful to be able to live this wonderful experience.
The IES Prado Mayor already has a long experience in this type of Projects, proof of this is that, last March, it was received from the Councilor of Education, Dª.
Adela Martínez-Cachá and the General Director of Attention to Diversity, Mr. Francisco José Martínez Casanova, an award as Center of Excellence for our career in the European Erasmus + Projects.