The Plenary Session of the Totana City Council agreed in its last ordinary session, with the votes in favor of the PSOE, Win Totana-IU and the non-attached mayor and the abstention of the PP, the proposal of the Councilor for Human Resources, Gertrudis Ruiz, to raise the suspension of the special days declared by plenary agreement in June 2012 in the sense of restoring the right to retribution of holidays and nights.
The special days refer to those jobs that are not valued in the specific complement, as long as they are not valued through the Job List (RPT).
Thus, the festivities will be celebrated, understood between 10 pm on Friday and 6 am on Monday and from 10 pm on the eve of any holiday at 6 am on the day after the holiday, receiving 4.50 euros / holiday hour for the year 2018 and successive.
In addition, the nocturnal, understood between 22:00 hours and 6:00 the following day, includes the payment of 4.50 euros / night hour for the year 2018 and successive.
Regarding the legal assistance to commissions of those civil servants who lend their services as secretary in informative or similar commissions outside normal hours, they will receive 43.70 euros per session.
Employees who make their ordinary day on the night of December 24 or 31, for the special circumstances that occur in those days, will receive a productivity complement of 100 euros.
The aforementioned workers will also be compensated on a free day to enjoy in the coming year.