The program of activities promoted by the Department of Culture of the City of Totana, with the collaboration of a specialized technical commission led by the official chronicler the historian Juan Cánovas Mulero, to commemorate the Centennial of the City of Totana 1918-2018 comes to an end .
The municipality has commemorated during this year 2018 the concession of the title of City granted to Totana in 1918 by King Alfonso XIII.
The outcome of this anniversary will be tomorrow, December 14, with the celebration of the Closing Concert of the Centennial of the City, starting at 9:00 p.m., in the parish of Santiago.
The councilman of Culture, Eulalia Moreno, and the totanero composer Juan Miguel Murani have presented this activity which puts an end to a wide range of activities that have lasted throughout the year 2018.
The concert will have two parts: in the first of them, Jesús Martínez Moreno (solo horn) and Juan Miguel Murani (organ) will participate;
and in the second, the absolute premiere of the Cantata for the Centennial "Deitania" will take place, whose music is the work of Juan Miguel Murani and the lyrics of Alfonso Pérez Guarinos.
The interpretation of the Cantata will be in charge of the Choral "Vox Musicalis", with Alfonso Pérez Guarinos (tenor soloist) and Tomeu Quetglas Roca (director).
More than thirty activities
The City Council has organized a broad and open program of social and cultural activities coinciding with the celebration this year of the Centenary of the award of Title of City to Totana (1918-2018), which has covered more than thirty events scheduled throughout of the entire year in progress.
The commemorative program of this anniversary officially started on January 26 with the inaugural concert by the composer and totanero musician, Juan Miguel Murani, in the parish of Santiago;
and it will end with another historical and unique musical event.
This department, with the help and involvement of associations and cultural and social groups and a technical expert committee coordinated by Professor Cánovas Mulero, has promoted activities of various kinds aimed at all audiences.
The promoters have involved the whole of Totanera society to participate and collaborate in this significant historical event that was to move from town to town, and that has been developed in order to raise awareness and create concern about this historic moment and also serve to put the look in our past and future.
Precisely, the municipal plenary session agreed in January of this year a motion to promote this program of activities and the approval of a corporate image following the institutional declaration of 2018 as the Centennial of the Concession of the Title of City to Totana.
The Plenary Session of the City Council of Totana already unanimously approved, in October 2016, an initiative of the previous mayor, Juan José Cánovas, declaring institutionally the year 2018 as the "Centennial of the Concession of the Title of the City of Totana"