It is approved to create a waiting list or job bank of Musical Language teacher of the Totana City Council


The Local Government Board has approved to create, at the proposal of the Councilor for Human Resources, Gertrudis Ruiz, a waiting list or job exchange of Professor of Music Language of the City of Totana by the system of competition given the urgency of filling said position as soon as possible.

This agreement involves the approval of the bases for the creation of said job board, published on the bulletin board and on the municipal website

This initiative has been agreed given that, at present, there is no waiting list or job board of musical language teacher, and considering the need to have it to cover possible casualties, vacancies or temporary needs that could arise.

It is also given by the express request of the Councilor for Culture, Eulalia Moreno, on the temporary hiring of said professional, part-time, as a result of the prolonged withdrawal of the current director of the School of Music, to teach classes in this discipline until the holder of the position is registered and can be incorporated into his job.

It is approved to create a waiting list or job bank of Musical Language teacher of the Totana City Council, Foto 1

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