The PP of Totana returns to propose to the plenary session of the city council that the act of homage to the flag of Spain be celebrated on October 12


In these days of sovereign challenges and the ambiguity of the President's responses to them, it is necessary to defend the unity of Spain.

From the Municipal People's Group, as we have been requesting for several years at this time, we have presented at the City of Totana to be discussed during the plenary of this month to proceed by the City to celebrate on October 12 by an act of homage to the flag of Spain, taking into account, in addition, that the following day, October 13, marks the 175th anniversary of the declaration of the current flag as the official flag of Spain.

The popular Municipal group states that in these days of sovereignty challenges and the ambiguity of the response to them by the President of the Government, Pedro Sánchez, and his ministers, it is necessary to defend the unity of Spain, the constitutional framework, the state of Law and of course our flag because those are the principles that sustain our democracy.

We have always defended these principles from our position within the City Council of Totana and we have been doing it for many years with the celebration of a tribute to the flag and the fallen, even though from the Town Hall that tribute was suppressed.

As we have said on numerous occasions, we are proud to be totaneros, Murcia and above all we are proud to be Spanish.

We should not be ashamed of anything or feel self-conscious about being Spanish.

It is not a matter of flags but of what it symbolizes and represents for Democrats and lovers of the Spanish Constitution of 1978.

The Popular Municipal Group intends, in a very simple way, to hold a solemn act for what it means and for what it entails, so on the same day that the Pilar Mass is celebrated in which we accompany the Forces of State Security, an act will be held where our flag will be honored and so many people who have given their lives for the defense of Spain.

We want to celebrate an act without complexes, it is not necessary to celebrate with fuss, but celebrate it, it is a request of many totaneros, as it is celebrated in many towns and cities of Spain, there have been many neighbors who protect and defend freedoms and rights that sustains this symbol, the national badge.

Our flag symbolizes the constitutional, open, tolerant and solidary Spain of which we can all be proud to be part and which has cost us so much to get here, thanks to the work and effort of several generations of Spaniards.

It is clear that in a civilized, democratic, tolerant and pluralistic society we all win.

But there are those who insist on not respecting the thoughts of others.

Who is determined to eliminate acts that were celebrating and in which the work and the work of service that the State Security Forces and Bodies provide and commemorate our fallen was appreciated.

The PP of Totana returns to propose to the plenary session of the city council that the act of homage to the flag of Spain be celebrated on October 12, Foto 1

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