The City of Totana has received a grant of 21,101.19 euros for the preparation of a catalog of rural roads under the line of aid presented by Campoder-Association for Rural Development, which will be financed the total project in full.
The totanero Consistory presented to this call three projects, of which two have been denied and this accepted.
The projects were selected through a competitive concurrency procedure.
The proposals referred to the cited elaboration of the catalog of rural roads of Totana, which was accepted;
and two others that have been denied: funding actions aimed at promoting energy efficiency in the Sports Pavilion "Manolo Ibáñez" and the rehabilitation of the social room of Cantareros, in both cases to be considered as projects not required in the line of aid.
These aids were requested by the totanero Consistory in January of this year within the line of measures in the call for aid projects support for the protection, conservation and awareness of environmental heritage.
The call makes available to this territory and its population more than 2.8 million euros, to finance development projects that are presented within any of the 6 measures that make up the action plan for projects not programmed in the strategy of Campoder.
These should be aimed at training, job creation or cooperation;
the improvement of competitiveness and sustainability of the microenterprises that operate or want to operate in the territory;
the protection, conservation and awareness of the environmental heritage;
the protection of rural heritage and the promotion of the territory;
the promotion of rural tourism or the improvement of services and infrastructures in rural districts.
Of the total budget, 55% goes to productive projects promoted by microenterprises, 15% goes to non-productive projects promoted by private non-profit entities and 30% goes to support projects promoted by public entities.