The Local Government Board has given the green light to the proposal of the council of Contracting, Ana María Cánovas, to award the merchant "Salmer Cantería y Restauración, SL", with registered office in the deputation of Parrilla (Lorca), the contract of rehabilitation of the Fuente Juan de Uzeta and its surroundings of the Plaza de la Constitución, for an amount of 42,989.59 euros.
In addition, the municipal architect David Bercedo has been designated as responsible for the contract;
and as technical director of the works and coordinator of Occupational Health and Safety to the architect Francisco Guerao.
The City Council already approved last June the basic and execution project, carried out by the architect Francisco Guerao, with a contract budget of 53,742.55 euros, as well as the start of the file for said hiring;
whose bidding was attended by two specialized companies.