The councilor of Archaeological Heritage and Sites, Juan José Cánovas, has raised a motion to the plenary session of July in which the incorporation of the municipality of Totana is requested to the cultural association "Confederation of Argaric Peoples", with registered office in the town of Antas (Almería)
The Association of Friends of El Argar and the Pedro Flores Museum located in the municipality of Antas have been working for years, along with other municipalities in the provinces of Almeria and Granada and Murcia in the promotion of knowledge, protection and conservation of archaeological heritage of the Argaric Culture.
This cultural objective can only be achieved through the involvement and collaboration, in the first place, of all the municipalities where the Argaric Deposits are located.
The Association of Friends of El Argar has contacted the Department of Archaeological Sites to set up a cultural association with the name of Confederation of Argaric Peoples, so that this membership is proposed to this body.